In java, you can get a unique string for an object.
How can you do this in as3?
In java, you can get a unique string for an object.
How can you do this in as3?
You can try using a third party hashing function (such as md5 or sha1). The hashcode for objects in Java (incidentally C#) is generated by a hashing function as well. Here's one I found on Google
Hope this helps.
Hi, in the same vain as the responses on the java thread, the is a unique ID generator as part of the flex SDK. This is found under mx.utils.UIDUtil, it works fairly simply.
var ID:String = UIDUtil.createUID();
Hope this helps.
you can use this, to get a unique uint ... if you want to, convert it to a string ... :-P
package {
import flash.utils.Dictionary;
public class ObjectUIDUtil {
private static var _uids:Dictionary = new Dictionary(true);
private static var _cter:uint = 1;
public static function getUID(obj:Object):uint {
var ret:uint = _uids[obj];
return (ret == 0) ? (_uids[obj] = _cter++) : ret;
please note, that this maybe is not even necessary, since flash.utils.Dictionary
allows using objects as keys directly ...