I have a bunch of name/email fields in my form like this:
I have a custom validation rule on each one that checks to see if the corresponding field is filled in. Ie. if data[Friend][2][name] then data[Friend][2][email] MUST be filled in.
FYI, heres what one of the two rules look like:
My form validation rule: ( I have an email validation too but that's irrelevant here)
'name' => array(
'checkEmail' => array(
'rule' => 'hasEmail',
'message' => 'You must fill in the name field',
'last' => true
My custom rule code:
function hasEmail($data){
$name = array_values($data);
$name = $name[0];
if(strlen($name) == 0){
return empty($this->data['Friend']['email']);
return true;
I need to make it so that one of the pairs should be filled in as a minimum. It can be any as long as the indexes correspond.
I can't figure a way, as if I set the form rule to be required or allowEmpty false, it fails on ALL empty fields. How can I check for the existence of 1 pair and if present, carry on?
Also, I need to strip out all of the remaining empty [Friend] fields, so my saveAll() doesn't save a load of empty rows, but I think I can handle that part using extract in my controller. The main problem is this validation. Thanks.