



I need to validate an input on a form. I'm expecting the input to be a number between 1 to 19 digits. The input can also start with zeros. However, I want to validate that they are not all zeros. I've got a regex that will ensure that the input is numeric and between 1 and 19 numbers.


But I can't figure out how to include a check that the entire string is not all zeros. I tried this


but it fails on 0000000000000000001 because it's allowing a variable number of zeros.

How do I check that the entire string is NOT zeros?


I'm trying to do this in a ASP.NET RegularExpressionValidator so I was hoping for a single expression. I have other options, so I'm not out of luck if this can't be done.

+11  A: 


I tried this one before and it doesn't work for the example I gave. Wasn't sure what the ? did though.
Second versions works for my test cases.
Nice, that works! Can you explain the (?!0+$) portion?
As codelogic says, it's a negative lookahead assertion. It says "only match if what's ahead of me is something other than a bunch of zeroes followed by the end of the string". Lookaheads are fairly strong magic. ;)
Lookbehinds too, for that matter.
This is starting to make sense but I'm still confused about the ? in the expression. What previous element is the ? referring to?
@Notorious2tall: Check out this page: .
damn, that is good - clear +1
It isn't. It's part of a syntax completely separate from the meaning of ? that you're thinking of. There's a whole set of PCRE syntax based around (? as the opener of a special sequence, starting with (?: for grouping without positional extraction.
Thanks, annakata. I always value feedback from you because your username is made of awesome. :)
Thanks, I'll read up on lookaheads then.
+2  A: 

Just do a negative lookahead:


This works fine in Perl.

You should "factor out" the ^ and put it at the very beginning; your way will work, but this way expresses the intent more clearly. And you need to add a $ to the end so it can't match anything else after the digits.
Alan Moore

you don't need RegEx for that

            ulong test;
        string number = "1234567890123456789";
        if (ulong.TryParse(number, out test) && (test < 9999999999999999999ul) && (test > 0))
I'm sure he knows how to make logic for it as a general case. What he's trying to do is package it up as a RE, and we can assume he has reasons for doing that.
Yes, that's correct. I can validate it on the server side but wanted to do this with a RegExValidator. Partly b/c I don't want to make a post back and partly b/c I want to learn regex. Basically practical and selfish reasons. :)
I'm not familiar with your platform, but if the designers of your RegExValidator were real smart, they may have made it so that you can both run it on server-side and render it as client-side script, which is highly optimal (you need it on client side too, but never ever trust a client).
+2  A: 

(?!0+$) is a lookahead directive. The ?! is the negative lookahead command to search for 1 or more 0's to the end of the string. If that matches, then the characters are consumed, leaving the regular digit search of \d{1,19}.

Boost Perl Regexp has a good discussion of perl regexp as recognized by Boost.

Bill Perkins