



I'm looking for a tool like Atlassian's FishEye. The alternatives I've found so far (like StatCVS, ViewCVS or Bonsai) are either lacking in features or are quite a pain to install and maintain. So before staying with one of these tools, I'd like to be sure I did not miss any other good, easy to install, open-source (prefereably java) version control-viewer which supports cvs as scm.

+1  A: 

There is also CVS Monitor, though it hasn't got the nearly the number of features as FishEye.

We use ViewCVS for repository browsing.

David Dibben
+2  A: 

If you were using SVN I'd highly recommend Tortoise SVN.

Jon Cage
I'd really like to use svn. But for now, this is not my decision to make :-/
I know exactly what you mean; we're locked into using non-SVN source control for a lot or projects unfortunately! :-(
Jon Cage
Why upvoting an answer like that? Nobody is looking for an SVN tools..
+2  A: 

Another SVN tool which has repository browsing capabilities is Trac. This is nice because as well as a browser for the repository it also has a timeline showing commits. It also does bug tracking.

David Dibben
Yes.. but he is looking for CVS tool.. not SVN...! Am I wrong?
+1  A: 

Warehouse is pretty cool

Looks really good. What a shame i'm restricted to cvs :-(
+1  A: 

ViewVC is a good open source, web based, repository viewer similar to FishEye. I know you've looked at it, and you're right, it was a hassle to set up, but once setup, it's run without any intervention for almost three years for us.

Bob King