I'm looking for a tool like Atlassian's FishEye. The alternatives I've found so far (like StatCVS, ViewCVS or Bonsai) are either lacking in features or are quite a pain to install and maintain. So before staying with one of these tools, I'd like to be sure I did not miss any other good, easy to install, open-source (prefereably java) version control-viewer which supports cvs as scm.
There is also CVS Monitor, though it hasn't got the nearly the number of features as FishEye.
We use ViewCVS for repository browsing.
David Dibben
2008-09-22 15:00:56
I'd really like to use svn. But for now, this is not my decision to make :-/
2008-09-22 15:05:24
I know exactly what you mean; we're locked into using non-SVN source control for a lot or projects unfortunately! :-(
Jon Cage
2008-09-22 15:07:45
Why upvoting an answer like that? Nobody is looking for an SVN tools..
2010-02-20 18:00:12
Another SVN tool which has repository browsing capabilities is Trac. This is nice because as well as a browser for the repository it also has a timeline showing commits. It also does bug tracking.
David Dibben
2008-09-22 15:05:50