



What is the purpose and function of "roles" in a Capistrano recipe? When I look at sample recipes, I often see something like this:

role :app, ''
role :web, ''
role :db,  '', :primary => true

So it looks like a role is basically a server where Capistrano executes commands. If that's the case, then why would it be called a "role" rather than a "host" or "server"?

In the above example, what is the difference between the :app and :web roles?

What does the :primary => true option do?

+6  A: 

Roles allow you to write capistrano tasks that only apply to certain servers. This really only applies to multi-server deployments. The default roles of "app", "web", and "db" are also used internally, so their presence is not optional (AFAIK)

In the sample you provided, there is no functional difference.

The ":primary => true" is an attribute that allows for further granularity in specifying servers in custom tasks.

Here is an example of role specification in a task definition:

task :migrate, :roles => :db, :only => { :master => true } do
  # ...

See the capistrano website @ for a more extensive explanation.
