



well, according to what I've found googling around, it's imposible... (maybe with with windows xp 64...)

but I thought that maybe someone could find a way to achieve it, or at least some workaround...

-- ps: I need to debug classic asp code, and my production environment is windows 2003, while my development machine is windows xp...

-- edit: just to clarify, I can already debug classic asp code in iis 5 with vs 2003 and 2008, it's just that I stumbled upon a (very silly) bug that only appeared on iis 6 (when IIS 5 received and empty http status, it just assumed 200, while iis 6 kept asking for my credentials in an infinite loop, it was very silly in deed, but took me a lot of time -and cursing- to discover it)


You posting in your 2nd link is correct. And read the faq. That spells out why it can't be done.

One option you can do is have a virtual machine of Server 2003 running on your laptop.

Daniel A. White

Is there a reason you can't use the IIS that your XP system came with?

John Saunders
some really strange bugs that only appear on IIS 6... apart from that, I've never had any issue whatsoever...
Well, IIS 5.1 (Win XP's) doesn't support multiple sites out of the box, nor does it have IIS 6's support for easily managing multiple application pools. Yuck.
Dave Markle
+3  A: 
Saul Dolgin
yes, I know, I already do a lot of debugging in iis 5, but I found a strange bug that only happens on IIS 6...
@opensas - Looks like you will need to install a version of Visual Studio on system that has Windows Server 2003 installed in order to attach the debugger to IIS 6. You can do this on a virtual machine or a spare server. It is commonly not advised to install Visual Studio onto production server equipment.
Saul Dolgin

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