I have a main site and a mobile site, and am looking at having Apache redirect users based on their reported user-agent as the next step up in providing a better mobile experience. E.g. a user who visits http://jonathanscorner.com/spectacles/ is redirected to http://jonathanscorner.mobi/?url=/spectacles/. At present what I have tried in my httpd.conf does not seem to have effect on my iPhone; what I had tried was:
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} (andriod|avantgo|blackberry|blazer|elaine |hiptop|iphone|ipod|kindle|midp|mmp|mobile|nokia|o2|opera.mini|opera.mobile|palm |pda|plucker|pocket|psp|smartphone|symbian|treo|up.browser|up.link|vodaphone|wap |windows.ce;.iemobile;|windows.ce;.ppc;|windows.ce;.smartphone;|ziino) [NC] RewriteRule (.*) http://jonathanscorner.mobi/?url=$1 [R=302,L]
with an eye to changing to a 301 when things were working nicely.
The immediate question I have is why this is not redirecting http://jonathanscorner.com/spectacles/ when I visit with my iPhone (and what I can do to easily bounce mobile phone users to the mobile site); my broader question is what small steps I can take to improve visiting experience for mobile users. The main site has some real artistry in a graphic-heavy design; the mobile site is meant to provide a light touch with e.g. one small network hit per page.