Your question is not very clear - but I assume you are asking how to use phpunit's mock objects to return a different value in different situations?
PHPUnit's mock classes allow you specify a custom function (ie: a callback function/method) - which is practically unlimited in what it can do.
In the below example, I created a mock IUrlStorage class that will return the next url in its storage each time it is called.
public function setUp()
$this->fixture = new UrlDisplayer(); //change this to however you create your object
//Create a list of expected URLs for testing across all test cases
$this->expectedUrls = array(
'key1' => ''
, 'key2' => ''
, 'key3' => ''
public function testUrlDisplayerDisplaysLatestUrls {
$mockStorage = $this->getMock('IUrlStorage');
->will( $this->returnCallback(array($this, 'mockgetUrl')) );
reset($this->expectedUrls); //reset array before testing
//Actual Tests
$this->assertGreaterThan(0, count($this->expectedUrls));
foreach ( $this->expectedUrls as $key => $expected ) {
$actual = $this->fixture->displayUrl($key);
$this->assertEquals($expected, $actual);
public function mockGetUrl($name)
$value = current($this->expectedUrls);
//Return null instead of false when end of array is reached
return ($value === false) ? null : $value;
Alternatively, sometimes it is easier to simply create a real class that mocks up the necessary functionality. This is especially easy with well defined and small interfaces.
In this specific case, I would suggest using the below class instead:
class MockStorage implements IUrlStorage
protected $urls = array();
public function addUrl($name, $url)
$this->urls[$name] = $url;
public function getUrl($name)
if ( isset($this->urls[$name]) ) {
return $this->urls[$name];
return null;
Then in your unit test class you simply instantiate your fixture like below:
public function setUp() {
$mockStorage = new MockStorage();
//Add as many expected URLs you want to test for
$mockStorage->addUrl('name1', '');
$this->fixture = new UrlDisplayer($mockStorage);