I just find answer for my question. But answer is very very complicate & very long regex. By the way, I use this syntax only 1 time per solution. So, It doesn't affect overall performance. Please look at my complete source code.
Module EnvironmentEvents.vb
Public Module EnvironmentEvents
Private Sub BuildEvents_OnBuildBegin(ByVal Scope As EnvDTE.vsBuildScope, ByVal Action As EnvDTE.vsBuildAction) Handles BuildEvents.OnBuildBegin
If DTE.Solution.FullName.EndsWith(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar & "[Solution File Name]") Then
If Scope = vsBuildScope.vsBuildScopeSolution And Action = vsBuildAction.vsBuildActionRebuildAll Then
End If
End If
End Sub
End Module
Module AssemblyInfoHelp.vb
Public Module AssemblyInfoHelper
ReadOnly AssemblyInfoPath As String = Path.Combine("Common", "GlobalAssemblyInfo.cs")
Sub AutoGenerateBuildNumber()
'Declear required variables
Dim solutionPath As String = Path.GetDirectoryName(DTE.Solution.Properties.Item("Path").Value)
Dim globalAssemblyPath As String = Path.Combine(solutionPath, AssemblyInfoPath)
Dim globalAssemblyContent As String = ReadFileContent(globalAssemblyPath)
Dim rVersionAttribute As Regex = New Regex("\[[\s]*(\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/)?[\s]*assembly[\s]*(\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/)?[\s]*:[\s]*(\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/)?[\s]*AssemblyVersion[\s]*(\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/)?[\s]*\([\s]*(\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/)?[\s]*\""([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)(.([0-9]+))?(.([0-9]+))?\""[\s]*(\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/)?[\s]*\)[\s]*(\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/)?[\s]*\]")
Dim rVersionInfoAttribute As Regex = New Regex("\[[\s]*(\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/)?[\s]*assembly[\s]*(\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/)?[\s]*:[\s]*(\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/)?[\s]*AssemblyInformationalVersion[\s]*(\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/)?[\s]*\([\s]*(\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/)?[\s]*\""([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)(.([0-9]+))?[\s]*([^\s]*)[\s]*(\([\s]*Build[\s]*([0-9]+)[\s]*\))?\""[\s]*(\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/)?[\s]*\)[\s]*(\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/)?[\s]*\]")
'Find Version Attribute for Updating Build Number
Dim mVersionAttributes As MatchCollection = rVersionAttribute.Matches(globalAssemblyContent)
Dim mVersionAttribute As Match = GetFirstUnCommentedMatch(mVersionAttributes, globalAssemblyContent)
Dim gBuildNumber As Group = mVersionAttribute.Groups(9)
Dim newBuildNumber As String
'Replace Version Attribute for Updating Build Number
If (gBuildNumber.Success) Then
newBuildNumber = GenerateBuildNumber(gBuildNumber.Value)
globalAssemblyContent = globalAssemblyContent.Substring(0, gBuildNumber.Index) + newBuildNumber + globalAssemblyContent.Substring(gBuildNumber.Index + gBuildNumber.Length)
End If
'Find Version Info Attribute for Updating Build Number
Dim mVersionInfoAttributes As MatchCollection = rVersionInfoAttribute.Matches(globalAssemblyContent)
Dim mVersionInfoAttribute As Match = GetFirstUnCommentedMatch(mVersionInfoAttributes, globalAssemblyContent)
Dim gBuildNumber2 As Group = mVersionInfoAttribute.Groups(12)
'Replace Version Info Attribute for Updating Build Number
If (gBuildNumber2.Success) Then
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(newBuildNumber) Then
newBuildNumber = GenerateBuildNumber(gBuildNumber2.Value)
End If
globalAssemblyContent = globalAssemblyContent.Substring(0, gBuildNumber2.Index) + newBuildNumber + globalAssemblyContent.Substring(gBuildNumber2.Index + gBuildNumber2.Length)
End If
WriteFileContent(globalAssemblyPath, globalAssemblyContent)
End Sub
Function GenerateBuildNumber(Optional ByVal oldBuildNumber As String = "0") As String
oldBuildNumber = Int16.Parse(oldBuildNumber) + 1
Return oldBuildNumber
End Function
Private Function GetFirstUnCommentedMatch(ByRef mc As MatchCollection, ByVal content As String) As Match
Dim rSingleLineComment As Regex = New Regex("\/\/.*$")
Dim rMultiLineComment As Regex = New Regex("\/\*[\s\S]*?\*\/")
Dim mSingleLineComments As MatchCollection = rSingleLineComment.Matches(content)
Dim mMultiLineComments As MatchCollection = rMultiLineComment.Matches(content)
For Each m As Match In mc
If m.Success Then
For Each singleLine As Match In mSingleLineComments
If singleLine.Success Then
If m.Index >= singleLine.Index And m.Index + m.Length <= singleLine.Index + singleLine.Length Then
GoTo NextAttribute
End If
End If
For Each multiLine As Match In mMultiLineComments
If multiLine.Success Then
If m.Index >= multiLine.Index And m.Index + m.Length <= multiLine.Index + multiLine.Length Then
GoTo NextAttribute
End If
End If
Return m
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
End Module
Thanks you every body
PS. Special Thank to [RegExr: Online Regular Expression Testing Tool][1]. The best online regex tool which I have ever been played. [1]: http://gskinner.com/RegExr/