



I'm developing an application based on Eclipse's Rich Client Platform that relies heavily on the use of tables for showing and editing data. I'm currently using the SWT implementations of Table and TableViewer.

My users are forever complaining that it "doesn't work like in excel". Most notably, I can't select a single cell within a row and all rows have the same height. I'm looking for an implementation that addresses these issues.


  • Free (as in speech and beer -- I'm a phd student and the program is EPL)
  • SWT (the various solutions for including swing in SWT aren't very nice)


So far I have the following suggestions:

Unfortunately, a cursory glance provides no information about the differences between these implementations. I'll of course be looking for solutions and report back here, but do you have any advice on the subject?

+3  A: 

Check out the Nebula Grid component. It's still being developed, so is not 100% mature, but seems to meet your needs.

Ben Hoffstein
+1  A: 

KTable is mature and very customizable. I used it to provide a very excel-like experience for my SWT app.

Heath Borders
As far as I know, KTable not being maintained for years now
Roland Tepp
+2  A: 

3 others


Agile Grid

Jaret Table


KTable is similar to JTable.

Nebula Grid fits in well with the Widget + Viewer paradigm. I was able to migrate from normal SWT table to this in a matter of minutes.

+1  A: 

NatTable is tended to provide a high performance and huge volume capability

+1  A: 

I've been using the Nebula Grid component, as previously mentioned, in a project at work, and in general I'd have to say I think it works pretty well. There are some performance issues, and it isn't quite finished, but it's pretty easy to bend to whatever shape you need, and does a good job of spreadsheet-style tables of data. You can have column and row headings, column groups, custom cell renderers, etc.

My most recent problem with it is getting line heights to be calculated correctly, and it doesn't look like there's much active development happening at the moment, so I will be trying to fix it myself.

Mike Houston

I am expiriencing the same problems with my product. Nebula grid is still missing some major features and - as far as i can see - is not targeting spreadsheet after all. Table and TableViewer I am using are good, but still do not provide satisfactory editing model.
