Hi, I have the following lines in a files:
a class="rss tip" rel="direct" title="Linq2Sql" href="http://feeds2.feedburner.com/pippo_ORM"></a>
a class="rss tip" title="ORM" href="http://feeds2.feedburner.com/pippo_ORM" rel="nofollow"></a>
a class="rss tip" rel="boh" title="Nhibernate" href="http://feeds2.feedburner.com/pippo_ORM"></a>
a class="rss tip" rel="direct" title="Linq2Sql" href="http://pippo.it/pippo_ORM"></a>
a class="rss tip" title="Linq2Sql" href="http://pippo.it/pippo_ORM"></a>
<a class="rss tip" title="direct" href="pippo"></a>
I need to get all the anchors that haven't the url "pippo.it" in href. I would like to remove the lines that contains the word rel="direct" from the result.
How can I do that?
I use RegexBuddy and I need to put the code on a .NET console program. I need to search the lines on the whole file.