



I'm writing a Swing application client (it's runs over webstart, and I'm using glassfish). In the application class I have:

@EJB private static MyBean myBean;

and in MyBean I have:

public interface MyBean {
  public int getRand();

public class MyBeanImpl implements MyBean {
  public int getRand() {
    return 9; // Guaranteed to be random

So far so good. I start the app using javaws http://server/app/app-client, it asks for user/pass and authenticates properly (using the fileRealm from glassfish).

I have two problems:

  • It seems to try to authenticate right away (when the bean is referenced) rather than when I try to call the method. I can live with this.
  • I want to use my own login dialog. Partly for aesthetic reasons, but also for graceful error handling, retries, etc

So I need to specify a callback. Using new LoginContext("fileRealm", myCallback) I get an error about no login modules for fileRealm. I've tried various mixtures of examples from the net, but very few are designed to application clients.


It seems to try to authenticate right away (when the bean is referenced) rather than when I try to call the method. I can live with this.

This is because it needs to be authenticated to create an RMI context.

It's nice to have an explanation, but I desperately need to know how to get my own dialog to appear.
+2  A: 

Well I've solved the second (and most important issue) by Adding the following to application-client.xml:

Ok that's stupid - I can't accept my own answer
After reading, +1 to push your answer and feedback to the top ;)
Hehe, Thanks VonC!