




On my site, the page displays incorrectly in most browsers until you refresh it. THe website is: http://www.hqinternetsolutions.com/services.html

I dont know why it is displaying in this fashion and then it fixes itself on refresh (even without clearing cache)

It is a series of divs floated to the left with margin. Any idea?


Refreshing forces a re-load of everything even if it was in cache. I have no idea what 'wrong' looks like but when I went to your site & refreshed several times it looked the same very time.


Possibly it's a local issue, caused by caching of CSS/images and so forth, and the browser using the cached files rather than loading the new? I have to confess that on viewing, it looks identical to me regardless of the number of refreshes.

David Thomas

The site looks consistent for me in IE in Windows and Firefox on Mac...

Depending on what browser and operating system your using, I recommend that you always HARD-REFRESH as it ensures that your always downloading the most recent styles/scripts/etc.

To perform a hard-refresh (instead of a regular refresh):
In Windows on Internet Explorer of Firefox: CTRL + F5

In OS X on Firefox: CMD + SHIFT + R

I also believe that you can also CMD + Click (or CTRL + Click) the Refresh button in your browser to achieve the same thing.

If you wanted to disable your cache temporarily...
You could also EASILY disable caching so that all page loads will grab the newest content (granted your using up bandwidth when you hard refresh).

I find the quickest and easiest way to disable cache is by using the Firefox Add-on Developer Toolbar:


Hope that helps!
