



I need to do the following for the purposes of paging a query in nHibernate:

Select count(*) from 
(Select e.ID,e.Name from Object as e where...)

I have tried the following,

select count(*) from Object e where e = (Select distinct e.ID,e.Name from ...)

and I get an nHibernate Exception saying I cannot convert Object to int32.

Any ideas on the required syntax?


The Subquery uses a distinct clause, I cannot replace the e.ID,e.Name with Count(*) because Count(*) distinct is not a valid syntax, and distinct count(*) is meaningless.


Do you need e.Id,e.Name?

just do

select count(*) from Object where.....

Sorry, I forgot to add the stipulation that the subquery was distinct.
+2  A: 

Here is a draft of how I do it:


public IList GetOrders(int pageindex, int pagesize)
    IList results = session.CreateMultiQuery()
        .Add(session.CreateQuery("from Orders o").SetFirstResult(pageindex).SetMaxResults(pagesize))
        .Add(session.CreateQuery("select count(*) from Orders o"))
    return results;


public DataTable GetOrders(int startRowIndex, int maximumRows)
    IList result = dao.GetOrders(startRowIndex, maximumRows);
    _count = Convert.ToInt32(((IList)result[1])[0]);

    return DataTableFromIList((IList)result[0]); //Basically creates a DataTable from the IList of Orders
Geir-Tore Lindsve
the problem stems from the fact that I need a Count(*) of the distinct results of the first query, as a count(*) within the query does not produce the same number (3 results vs 54 results due to several joins.)
Ah, right. Sorry I missed that
Geir-Tore Lindsve
+2  A: 

Solved My own question by modifying Geir-Tore's answer.....

 IList results = session.CreateMultiQuery()
        .Add(session.CreateQuery("from Orders o").SetFirstResult(pageindex).SetMaxResults(pagesize))
        .Add(session.CreateQuery("select count(distinct e.Id) from Orders o where..."))
    return results;
+6  A: 
var session = GetSession();
var criteria = session.CreateCriteria(typeof(Order))
                    .Add(Restrictions.Eq("Product", product))
return (int) criteria.UniqueResult();
Matt Hinze

I prefer,

    public IList GetOrders(int pageindex, int pagesize, out int total)
            var results = session.CreateQuery().Add(session.CreateQuery("from Orders o").SetFirstResult(pageindex).SetMaxResults(pagesize));

            var wCriteriaCount = (ICriteria)results.Clone());


            total = Convert.ToInt32(wCriteriaCount.UniqueResult());

            return results.List();
Marcelo Salazar