I am attempting to build an application that can monitor multiple remote machines through WMI. As a C# developer, I have chosen to utilize the System.Management namespace.
For performance and scalability reasons, I would much prefer to use an event-driven method of gathering information than a poll-based one. As such, I have been investigating the ManagementEventWatcher class.
For simple monitoring tasks, this class seems to be exactly what I want. I create the object, give it ManagementScope, EventQuery, and EventWatcherOptions parameters, subscribe to the EventArrived event, and call the Start method (simplified example below).
using SM = System.Management;
SM.ManagementEventWatcher _watcher;
SM.ConnectionOptions conxOptions;
SM.ManagementScope scope;
SM.WqlEventQuery eventQuery;
SM.EventWatcherOptions eventOptions;
SM.EventArrivedEventHandler handler;
string path = @"\\machine\root\cimv2";
conxOptions = new SM.ConnectionOptions ();
conxOptions.Username = user;
conxOptions.Password = password;
scope = new SM.ManagementScope (path, conxOptions);
scope.Connect ();
eventQuery = new SM.WqlEventQuery ("SELECT * FROM __InstanceCreationEvent WITHIN 10 WHERE TargetInstance ISA 'Win32_Process'");
eventOptions = new SM.EventWatcherOptions ();
eventOptions.Context.Add ("QueryName", "Process Query");
_watcher = new SM.ManagementEventWatcher (scope, eventQuery, eventOptions);
handler = new SM.EventArrivedEventHandler (HandleWMIEvent);
_watcher.EventArrived += handler;
_watcher.Start ();
Console.WriteLine ("Press Any Key To Continue");
Console.ReadKey ();
_watcher.Stop ();
_watcher.EventArrived -= handler;
The problem I am running into is that it is difficult to detect when the connection to the remote machine has been broken through various means (machine restart, downed router, unplugged network cable, etc.).
The ManagementEventWatcher class does not appear to provide any means of determining that the connection has been lost, as the Stopped event will not fire when this occurs. The ManagementScope object attached to the ManagementEventWatcher still shows IsConnected as true, despite the broken link.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to check the connection status?
The only thing I can think to do at this point is to use the ManagementScope object to periodically perform a WMI query against the machine and make sure that still works, though that can only check the local->remote connection and not the corresponding remote->local connection. I suppose I could look up another WMI query I could use to verify the connection (assuming the query works), but that seems like more work than I should have to do.