One of the articles I really enjoyed reading recently was Quality Control by Last.FM. In the spirit of this article, I was wondering if anyone else had favorite monitoring setups for web type applications. Or maybe if you don't believe in Log Monitoring, why? I'm looking for a mix of opinion slash experience here I guess.
Are there any open source (or I guess commercial) packages that you can plug into your site for monitoring purposes? I'd like something that we can hook up to our ASP.NET site and use to provide reporting on things like performance over time, vs current load, page traffic, SQL performance, CPU time monitoring
Ideally in c# :)
With som...
Hi, for debugging purpose in a somewhat closed system, I have to output text in a file.
Does anyone knows of a tool that runs on windows ( console based or not ) that detects changes to a file and outputs them in real-time ?
I've always thought the answer to this was "no", but let's give CrackOverflow a shot...
Is it possible to get a breakdown of CPU utilization by database? I'm ideally looking for a task manager type interface for SQL server, but instead of looking at the CPU utilization of each PID (like taskmgr) or each SPID (like spwho2k5), I want to v...
What tools would you recommend for monitoring the general health and performance of an oracle database. How do you ensure database issues are picked up and resolved quickly.
Is there anything which can help with msmq monitoring? I'd like to get some event/monit when a message appears in queue and the same on leave.
I'd like to be able to view the event log for a series of websites running on IIS. Can I do this externally, for example, through a web interface?
Is there a tool that allows one to monitor GDI calls?
In a project of mine the SQL statements that are executed against a ms SQL server are failing for some unknown reason. Some of the code is already used in production so debugging it is not an easy task. Therefore I need a way to see in the database itself what SQL statements are used, as the statements are generated at runtime by the pro...
I have windows 2003 terminal servers, multi-core. I'm looking for a way to monitor individual CPU core usage on these servers. It is possible for an end-user to have a run-away process (e.g. Internet Explorer or Outlook). The core for that process may spike to near 100% leaving the other cores 'normal'. Thus, the overall CPU usage o...
There has been some talk of Website performance monitoring tools and services on stackoverflow, however, they seem fairly expensive for what they actually do. Are there any good opensource libraries for automating checking/monitoring the availability of a website?
Any suggestions for tools to monitor page load times/errors and other performance metrics for a PHP application?
I am aware of the FireBug and YSlow tools, but this is for more server monitoring.
What, at a minimum, should an application health-monitoring system do for you (the developer) and/or your boss (the IT Manager) and/or the oeprations (on-call) staff?
What else should it do above the minimum requirements?
Is monitoring the 'infrastructure' applications (ms-exchange, apache, etc.) sufficient or do individual user applic...
I need a simple way to monitor multiple text log files distributed over a number of HP-UX servers. They are a mix of text and XML log files from several distributed legacy systems. Currently we just ssh to the servers and use tail -f and grep, but that doesn't scale when you have many logs to keep track of.
Since the logs are in differe...
I'd like to view historical data for guest cpu/memory/IO usage, rather than just current usage.
How can you programmatically measure per-process (or better, per-thread) CPU usage under windows 95, windows 98 and windows ME?
If it requires the DDK, where can you obtain that?
Please note the Win9x requirement. It's easy on NT.
EDIT: I tried installing the Win95/98 version of WMI, but Win32_Process.KernelModeTime and Win32_Process....
whether command line or GUI, I'd be interested in testing every of them.
(best in your own eyes) Most features? Coolest Features? Slickest Design?
I was looking for Free/open source service (SOA) management and monitoring tools. What tools have you used and is there any tool that you recommend?
From basic things likes page views per second to more advanced stuff like cpu or memory usage. Any ideas?