I have $_GET['tags'] = "apples, oranges, bananas, grapes, cherries"
I need to place the data into an array ($tags).
What is a quick way to trim each item and perform security functions (stripping html, special chars)?
I have $_GET['tags'] = "apples, oranges, bananas, grapes, cherries"
I need to place the data into an array ($tags).
What is a quick way to trim each item and perform security functions (stripping html, special chars)?
Try the following:
function process_tags($tags) {
$tags = strip_tags($tags);
$tags = explode(',', $tags);
foreach($tags as $key => $value) {
$tags[$key] = htmlentities($tags[$key]);
$tags[$key] = trim($tags[$key]);
return $tags;
You can simply call the function in the following way:
$myTags = "apples, berries, oranges";
$tags = process_tags($myTags);
With array_walk() you could write your tag cleaning function separately, and then easily apply it to your incoming data.
function sterilize(&$val,$key)
//do whatever security you need here
$val = trim($val);
$val = strip_tags($val);
return htmlspecialchars($val);
$bad_values = explode(',',$_GET['tags']);
Using array_map to apply trim()
and htmlentities
to all items in the array, you can do it in one line:
$tags = array_map('htmlentities', array_map('trim', explode(',', strip_tags($_GET["tags"]))));
Be careful how you do this. HTML escaping is an output task, and not something you want to do with data you don't intend to immediately print to the page.
I think it pages to be fairly explicit with this sort of thing, and really separate the filtering of content from the escaping of content.
// First, get the tags as an array, filtered to be valid data
$tags = array_map( 'filterTag', explode( ',', $_GET['tags'] ) );
// Do whatever other processing with $tags
// NOW, create a version of the tags that you'll use for display only
// or do this step ONLY just prior to display
$tagsSafeForHtml = array_map( 'escapeForHtml', $tags );
function filterTag( $tag )
// Use whatever combination of filtering functions you want
return trim( strip_tags( $value ) );
function escapeForHtml( $value )
// Use whatever escaping strategy that makes most sense for your content
return htmlspecialchars( $value, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8' );