I feel it is bit curious to understand the Natural language processing. I have the following questions..
Scope ambiguity refers to the order of precedence of quantifiers (words like "a", "the", "each", "some", "every", "all", "one" etc.) in a natural language sentence.
For example, consider this sentence: "The dog brings me the newspaper every morning".
You know that the sentence parses as: "Exists DOG d ( Foreach MORNING m ( Exists NEWSPAPER n ( d brings n during m ) ) )". In other words, every morning, the newspaper is different.
But a computer program might instead interpret the sentence to mean "Exists DOG d ( Exists NEWSPAPER n ( Foreach MORNING m ( d brings n during m ) ) )" - in other words, there is one old newspaper that you haven't thrown away, and every morning, the dog brings it to you.
Resolving scope ambiguity, as far as I know, is very much an unsolved problem.