



Submitting an Ajax.Beginform while using the JQuery Validate plugin doesn't stop the submission. Is there a good way to ensure the Ajax.Beginform is not submitted?

I've also tried using the JQuery Forms plugin to 'ajaxify' my form. This works a treat. However, my form is a login form and if the user successfully logs in, I'd like them to be redirected. I've done this in Ajax.BeginForm by returning a JavaScript object, but the same code using JQuery.Form.js simply displays the Javascript rather than executing it. Is there a way to manage this?

[as requested below, I've added some sample code]

Controller Code

            if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
                return Content("/receipt/latest");
                return RedirectToAction("latest", "receipt");

I've used this to return a string to this js function:-


            function manageResponse(responseText, statusText) {
                if (responseText.toString().substr(0, 1) == '/') {
                    window.location = responseText;
                else {

I've used these options to tie the response with JQuery Form plugin.

            var options = {
                beforeSubmit: function() {
                    return $('#login').validate().form();
                success: manageResponse

It feels a bit 'hacky' to me, but it works. I was enquiring whether there was a better way or not?


+1  A: 

It doesn't seem too hacky to me, but them I'm not the most elegant guy in the world. The only thing I think I'd do differently is set it up like this:

$('#login').validate(); // setup form to use validation plugin 

var options = {
    beforeSubmit: function() {
        return $('#login').valid(); // check form is valid
    success: manageResponse