




I'm maintaining multiple projects backed by ivy configurations. Many configurations overlap, such as:

  • common build configurations ( pmd, findbugs );
  • dependency groups ( spring );

Is there a way to import these dependencies by referencing a shared configuration?

N.B. Please don't suggest Maven, as I know about it, but it is not (yet) an option for these particular projects.

+1  A: 

Does include do what you need, or is the problem more complicated?

From the documentation:

<ivy-module version="1.0">
  <info organisation="myorg"
    <include file="path/to/included-configurations.xml"/>
    <conf name="conf3"/>
    <dependency name="mymodule1" rev="1.0"/>
    <dependency name="mymodule2" rev="2.0" conf="conf2,conf3->*"/>

with included-configurations.xml like this:

<configurations defaultconfmapping="*->@">
  <conf name="conf1" visibility="public"/>
  <conf name="conf2" visibility="private"/>

Update: For dependencies, I'm not sure it is possible. I found a discussion on importing dependencies that indicates this is by design to avoid circular dependencies.

Perhaps you could write a script to process a referenced ivy file and inline the dependencies into your project?

Rich Seller
Thanks for the answer. I'd like to have the dependencies included as well, for instance import a 'findbugs' configuration and them all the dependencies are pulled in.
Robert Munteanu
Sorry my Ivy powers are weak. I've added an update showing what I've found on dependency processing.
Rich Seller

Reading your question, I would solve the problem by using svn:externals (if you're using Subversion) and not Ivy.

You place all your common configurations into a config Subversion project and simply use svn:externals to import it into other projects.

As example, you can take a look at my config project on Google Code:
