Does include do what you need, or is the problem more complicated?
From the documentation:
<ivy-module version="1.0">
<info organisation="myorg"
<include file="path/to/included-configurations.xml"/>
<conf name="conf3"/>
<dependency name="mymodule1" rev="1.0"/>
<dependency name="mymodule2" rev="2.0" conf="conf2,conf3->*"/>
with included-configurations.xml like this:
<configurations defaultconfmapping="*->@">
<conf name="conf1" visibility="public"/>
<conf name="conf2" visibility="private"/>
Update: For dependencies, I'm not sure it is possible. I found a discussion on importing dependencies that indicates this is by design to avoid circular dependencies.
Perhaps you could write a script to process a referenced ivy file and inline the dependencies into your project?