



The following is my default production MySQL configuration file (my.cnf) for a pure UTF-8 setup with InnoDB as the default storage engine.


The setup does the following:

  1. Binds to localhost:3306 (loopback) instead of the default *:3306 (all interfaces). Done to increase security.
  2. Sets up one table space per table. Done to increase maintainability.
  3. Sets the default character set to UTF-8. Done to allow for easy internationalization by default.
  4. Sets the default storage engine to InnoDB. Done to allow for row-level-locking by default.

Assume that you could further improve the setup by adding a maximum of three (3) configuration parameters. Which would you add and why?

An improvement would in this context mean either a performance improvement, a reliability improvement or ease-of-use/ease-of-maintainability increase. You can assume that the machine running the MySQL instance will have 1000 MB of RAM.


Increase the innodb buffer pool size, as big as you can practically make it:


You'll also want some key buffer space for temp tables:


Others would depend on what you are doing with the database, but table_cache or query_cache_size would be a couple other potentials.

Eric Petroelje
Isn't `key_buffer_size` relevant for `MyISAM` only?
@Quassnoi - it is, but I think MySQL will always use MyISAM for temp tables, so you still need some key buffer space for that (at least this is what I heard). I could be wrong on that one though.
Eric Petroelje
+4  A: 

To cache more data:

innodb_buffer_pool_size = 512M

If you write lots of data:

innodb_log_file_size = 128M

, to avoid too much log switching.

There is no third I'd add in any case, all other depend.
