I sympathize with you. You are suffering from self-doubt. Don't worry. If you can speak any language, including your mother tongue, you are qualified to do modularization on your own. For evidence, you may read "The Language Instinct," or "The Math Instinct."
Look around, but not too much. You can learn a lot from them, but you can learn many bad things from them too.
(1) Some projects/framework get a lot fo hype. Yet, some of their groupings of functionality, even names given to modules are misleading. They don't "reveal intention" of the programmers. They fail the "high cohesiveness" test.
(2) Books are no better. Please apply 80/20 rule in your book selection. Even a good, very complete, well-researched book like Capers Jones' 2010 "Software Engineering Best Practices" is clueless. It says 10-man Agile/XP team would take 12 years to do Windows Vista or 25 years to do an ERP package! It says there is no method till 2009 for segmentation, its term for modularization. I don't think it will help you.
My point is: You must pick your model/reference/source of examples very carefully. Don't over-estimate famous names and under-estimate yourself.
Here is my help, proven in my experience.
(1) It is a lot like deciding what attributes go to which DB table, what properties/methods go to which class/object etc? On a deeper level, it is a lot like arranging furniture at home, or books in a shelf. You have done such things already. Software is the same, no big deal!
(2) Worry about "cohesion" first. e.g. Books (Leo Tolstoy, James Joyce, DE Lawrence) is choesive .(HTML, CSS, John Keats. jQuery, tinymce) is not. And there are many ways to arrange things. Even taxonomists are still in serious feuds over this.
(3) Then worry about "coupling." Be "shy". "Don't talk to strangers." Don't be over-friendly. Try to make your package/DB table/class/object/module/bookshelf as self-contained, as independent as possible. Joel has talked about his admiration for the Excel team that abhor all external dependencies and that even built their own compiler.