



Hi There,

I have a grdiview and a button on my page that export the content to an Excel file,What I would like to add is to have companies logo,Title,Today's Date and Time as well.

Any Idea? Thanks in advance


SpreadsheetGear for .NET can do it.

You can probably find a sample which comes close to what you want to do in our ASP.NET Samples for C# & VB - perhaps one of the "Excel Reporting" samples or one of the "Excel to Datagrid and Back" samples. Our ASP.NET samples are here.

You can try it for yourself with the free trial which is here.

Disclaimer: I own SpreadsheetGear LLC

Joe Erickson

Matt Berseth has a way to do this, however it does not export native Excel files.

It's free, though.

Matthew Jones