Hello everyone!
I sure hope this won't be an already answered question or a stupid one. Recently I've been programming with several instruments. Trying to communicate between them in order to create a testing program. However I've encoutered some problems with one specific instrument when I'm trying to call functions that I've "masked" out from the instruments DLL file. When I use the interactive python shell it works perfectly (although its alot of word clobbering). But when I implement the functions in a object-oriented manner the program fails, well actually it doesn't fail it just doesn't do anything. This is the first method that's called: (ctypes and ctypes.util is imported)
def init_hardware(self):
""" Inits the instrument """
self.write_log("Initialising the automatic tuner")
version_string = create_string_buffer(80)
self.error_string = create_string_buffer(80)
self.name = "Maury MT982EU"
self.write_log("Tuner DLL path: %s", find_library('MLibTuners'))
self.maury = WinDLL('MlibTuners')
if (version_string.value == ""):
self.write_log("IMPORTANT: Error obtaining the driver version")
self.write_log("Version number of the DLL: %s" % version_string.value)
self.ThreeTypeLong = c_long * 3
Now that works swell, everything is perfect and I get perfect log-entries. But when I try to run a method further into the program called:
def add_tuner_and_controller(self, name, serial_number, tuner_number=0):
""" Adds the tuner to the driver object, controller is inside the tuner """
self.write_log("Adding tuner %d and the built-in controller" % tuner_number)
TempType = self.ThreeTypeLong()
self.maury.add_controller(c_short(tuner_number), c_char_p(self.file_path), c_char_p(name), c_int(0), c_int(0),
c_long(0), c_short(serial_number), self.error_string)
self.maury.add_tuner(c_short(tuner_number), c_char_p(name), c_short(serial_number), c_short(0),
c_short(1), pointer(c_double()), TempType, pointer(c_double()), pointer(c_double()),
pointer(c_double()), self.error_string)
The program suddenly stops working/keeps running , nothing happenes when the "self.maury"-line is called. When I place everything in the init_hardware method it works perfectly so I'm guessing there's a slight memory "error" or something with the objective oriented structure. I really want it to remain this way, is there anyway to isolate the functions in this manner? or do I have to restrict myself to a big chunk of code?
Documentation info:
[Legend: The stars indicate pointers and the brackets indicate arrays]
The add_tuner function adds or updates one tuner in the tuner driver object.
short add_tuner(short tuner_number, char model[ ], short serial_number, short ctlr_num, short ctlr_port, short *no_of_motors, long max_range[ ], double *fmin, double *fmax, double *fcrossover, char error_string[ ])
Output: no_motors, max_range (array of three numbers), fmin, fmax, fcrossover,error_string (80+ characters long), function-return->Error flag
The add_controller function adds or updates one controller in the tuner driver object
short add_controller(short controller_number, char driver[ ], char model[ ], int timeout, int address, long delay_ms, char error_string[ ])
Output: error_string, function-return->Error flag