Two images, one is 300x400 pixels (height x width), the other is 500x600. How can I make them appear side-by-side, scaled so they are the same height on screen, filling the whole width of the page (or container/div), without changing the aspect ratio of either image?
I'd like an HTML/CSS way to do this -- something that works for more than 2 images as well if possible. Currently I manually calculate the width of each image (math below).
An example of what I'm trying to do:
<img src=""
width="79%" style="float:left" border=1 />
<img src=""
width="20%" border=1 />
Used formula below (or trial and error) to come up with 79/20 split. Note that 79 + 20 < 100 -- if I set it to 80/20 then the images wrap due to the border. How can I do this without having to do any computation? The browser should be able to do it for me.
ah1 = 300 // actual height of image 1
aw1 = 400 // actual width of image 1
ah2 = 500 // actual height of image 2
aw2 = 600 // actual width of image 2
// need to calculate these:
dw1 // display width of image 1, expressed as percent
dw2 // display width of image 2, expressed as percent
dw1 + dw2 == 100%
s1 = dw1 / aw1 // scale of image 1 (how much it has been shrunk)
s2 = dw2 / aw2
dh1 = ah1 * s1 // display height of image 1 = its actual height * its scale factor
dh2 = ah2 * s2
// need to solve this equality to get equal display heights:
dh1 == dh2
s1 * ah1 == s2 * ah2
dw1 / aw1 * ah1 == dw2 / aw2 * ah2
dw1 / aw1 * ah1 == (1 - dw1) / aw2 * ah2
dw1 * aw2 * ah1 == (1 - dw1) * aw1 * ah2
dw1 * aw2 * ah1 == aw1 * ah2 - aw1 * ah2 * dw1
dw1 * aw2 * ah1 + aw1 * ah2 * dw1 == aw1 * ah2
dw1 * (aw2 * ah1 + aw1 * ah2) == aw1 * ah2
dw1 == aw1 * ah2 / (aw2 * ah1 + aw1 * ah2)
== 400 * 500 / (600 * 300 + 400 * 500)
== 20 / (18 + 20)
== 20 / 38
== 52.63% // which ends up as style="width:53%" which isn't quite right...