



Installed the Google App Engine SDK.Python 2.6 perfect. Wanted to go into images, and test locally.Installed PIL

Installed Python, then ran the PIL install, worked this time.

Things seemed good, but trying to do localhost image manipulation gives: "NotImplementedError: Unable to find the Python PIL library. Please view the SDK documentation for details about installing PIL on your system."

System : winxp

+1  A: 

We're probably going to need more information, so here are some questions and things to try.

How are you trying to access the PIL? Are you trying to use the google.appengine.api.images module, or PIL directly? It sounds like the former, but it's not clear.

Did you follow the App Engine instructions?

Post code, if you can.

Perhaps the most important thing to try: see if you can use PIL from a non-App Engine script. Just write a quick Python script that accesses it and see how that goes. Something like:

import Image
im ='filename.png')

If that doesn't work, it's not surprising that Google App Engine wouldn't work with PIL.

Blair Conrad
Code:import Image//Appengine scripterror<type 'exceptions.ImportError'>: No module named Image
That suggests that PIL isn't installed properly. It's either not there, or not on Python's module search path. If you don't routinely manipulate you Python search paths, I suggest removing PIL and reinstalling it again, being careful to watch for any errors that pop up along the way
Blair Conrad
//original codeimport Imageim ='filename.png')<type 'exceptions.ImportError'>: No module named Image
Yup, PIL isn't installed correctly. You should have under your Python install directory a directory called `Lib\site-packages`. That should contain a file called `PIL.pth`. Check its contents and see if it points to a directory that containes ``. If any of these things aren't true, your best bet is probably to reinstall. Or you could reinstall anyhow...
Blair Conrad
GAE SDK uses PIL locally, but it does not allow to use PIL directly. SDK Image API should be used instead. Only some PIL capabilities are available at GAE.
+1  A: 

As far as I know Google AppEngine does not allow to use PIL directly, but instead provides a limited Images API.

It can resize/rotate/crop and flip images. More or less what Picasaweb can do. But it cannot create new images or do complex things like adding text, drawing etc.
