I ran into a very strange behaviour in some of our PHP code today. We have a class for dealing with files. It's something like this:
class AFile {
//usual constructor, set and get functions, etc.
public function save() {
//do some validation
if($this->upload()) { //save the file to disk
$this->update_db(); //never reached this line
private function upload() {
//save the file to disk
return ($success) ? true : false;
It looked pretty normal to us, but the $this->upload() function never returned anything but NULL. We checked that the correct function was running. We echoed out its return value before it returned. We tried only returning a true value or even a string. Everything was checking out right. But $this->upload still evaluated to NULL. Also, there was nothing in the logs and ERROR_ALL is on.
In exasperation we changed the function name to foo_upload. All of a sudden everything worked. "upload" is not in the list of PHP reserved words. Anyone have any thoughts why a class function named "upload" would fail?