Since LINQ is a general-purpose query abstraction layer, you can't directly perform server specific implementations through LINQ. You may be able to do this with EF using a view in the store model.
That being said, you may be able to do this with LINQ to SQL by using context.ExecuteQuery(string). Remember if you use ExecuteQuery, make sure to pass in variables as paramteters rather than simple string concatenation, as your query is passed directly to the server and thus could result in SQL Injection if not handled properly. Here's an example avoiding SQL Injection:
Dim searchName = "foo"
Dim SQL As String = "Select ID, LastName, FirstName, WebSite, TimeStamp " & _
"From dbo.Author " & _
"Where Contains (LastName, {0})"
Dim authors As IEnumerable(Of Author) = context.ExecuteQuery(Of Author)(SQL, searchName)