



Is there any way to determine in Javascript if an object was created using object-literal notation or using a constructor method?

It seems to me that you just access it's parent object, but if the object you are passing in doesn't have a reference to it's parent, I don't think you can tell this, can you?

+2  A: 

There is no way to tell the difference between an object built from an object literal, and one built from other means.

It's a bit like asking if you can determine whether a numeric variable was constructed by assigning the value '2' or '3-1';

If you need to do this, you'd have to put some specific signature into your object literal to detect later.

Paul Dixon

An object literal is the notation you use to define an object - which in javascript is always in the form of a name-value pair surrounded by the curly brackets. Once this has been executed there is no way to tell if the object was created by this notation or not (actually, I think that might be an over-simplification, but basically correct). You just have an object. This is one of the great things about js in that there are a lot of short cuts to do things that might be a lot longer to write. In short, the literal notation replaces having to write:

var myobject = new Object();
Steve Mc
+1  A: 

It sounds like you are looking for this:

function Foo() {}

var a = {};
var b = new Foo();

console.log(a.constructor == Object); // true
console.log(b.constructor == Object); // false

The constructor property on an object is a pointer to the function that is used to construct it. In the example above b.constructor == Foo. If the object was created using curly brackets (the array literal notation) or using new Object() then its constructor property will == Object.

Update: crescentfresh pointed out that $(document).constructor == Object rather than being equal to the jQuery constructor, so I did a little more digging. It seems that by using an object literal as the prototype of an object you render the constructor property almost worthless:

function Foo() {}
var obj = new Foo();
obj.constructor == Object; // false


function Foo() {}
Foo.prototype = { objectLiteral: true };
var obj = new Foo();
obj.constructor == Object; // true

There is a very good explanation of this in another answer here, and a more involved explanation here.

I think the other answers are correct and there is not really a way to detect this.

`constructor === Object` is true for lots of objects. For example try `javascript:alert($(document).constructor === Object)` on this page, even though `jQuery !== Object`.
Crescent Fresh
I've updated my answer based on crescentfresh's comment.
+7  A: 

Edit: I'm interpreting "object literal" as anything created using an object literal or the Object constructor. This is what John Resig most likely meant.

I have a function that will work even if .constructor has been tainted or if the object was created in another frame. Note that === "[object Object]" (as some may believe) will not solve this problem.

function isObjectLiteral(obj) {
    if (typeof obj !== "object" || obj === null)
     return false;

    var hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
    ObjProto = obj;

    // get obj's Object constructor's prototype
    while (Object.getPrototypeOf(ObjProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(ObjProto)) !== null);

    if (!Object.getPrototypeOf.isNative) // workaround if non-native Object.getPrototypeOf
     for (var prop in obj)
      if (!, prop) && !, prop)) // inherited elsewhere
       return false;

    return Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) === ObjProto;

if (!Object.getPrototypeOf) {
    if (typeof ({}).__proto__ === "object") {
     Object.getPrototypeOf = function (obj) {
      return obj.__proto__;
     Object.getPrototypeOf.isNative = true;
    } else {
     Object.getPrototypeOf = function (obj) {
      var constructor = obj.constructor,
      if (, "constructor")) {
       oldConstructor = constructor;
       if (!(delete obj.constructor)) // reset constructor
        return null; // can't delete obj.constructor, return null
       constructor = obj.constructor; // get real constructor
       obj.constructor = oldConstructor; // restore constructor
      return constructor ? constructor.prototype : null; // needed for IE
     Object.getPrototypeOf.isNative = false;
} else Object.getPrototypeOf.isNative = true;

Here is the HTML for the testcase:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8"/>
    <!-- Online here: -->
    <style type="text/css">
    li { background: green; } li.FAIL { background: red; }
    iframe { display: none; }
<ul id="results"></ul>
<script type="text/javascript">
function isObjectLiteral(obj) {
    if (typeof obj !== "object" || obj === null)
     return false;

    var hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
    ObjProto = obj;

    // get obj's Object constructor's prototype
    while (Object.getPrototypeOf(ObjProto = Object.getPrototypeOf(ObjProto)) !== null);

    if (!Object.getPrototypeOf.isNative) // workaround if non-native Object.getPrototypeOf
     for (var prop in obj)
      if (!, prop) && !, prop)) // inherited elsewhere
       return false;

    return Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) === ObjProto;

if (!Object.getPrototypeOf) {
    if (typeof ({}).__proto__ === "object") {
     Object.getPrototypeOf = function (obj) {
      return obj.__proto__;
     Object.getPrototypeOf.isNative = true;
    } else {
     Object.getPrototypeOf = function (obj) {
      var constructor = obj.constructor,
      if (, "constructor")) {
       oldConstructor = constructor;
       if (!(delete obj.constructor)) // reset constructor
        return null; // can't delete obj.constructor, return null
       constructor = obj.constructor; // get real constructor
       obj.constructor = oldConstructor; // restore constructor
      return constructor ? constructor.prototype : null; // needed for IE
     Object.getPrototypeOf.isNative = false;
} else Object.getPrototypeOf.isNative = true;

// Function serialization is not permitted
// Does not work across all browsers
Function.prototype.toString = function(){};

// The use case that we want to match
log("{}", {}, true);

// Instantiated objects shouldn't be matched
log("new Date", new Date, false);

var fn = function(){};

// Makes the function a little more realistic
// (and harder to detect, incidentally)
fn.prototype = {someMethod: function(){}};

// Functions shouldn't be matched
log("fn", fn, false);

// Again, instantiated objects shouldn't be matched
log("new fn", new fn, false);

var fn2 = function(){};

log("new fn2", new fn2, false);

var fn3 = function(){};

fn3.prototype = {}; // impossible to detect (?) without native Object.getPrototypeOf

log("new fn3 (only passes with native Object.getPrototypeOf)", new fn3, false);

log("null", null, false);

log("undefined", undefined, false);

/* Note:
 * The restriction against instantiated functions is
 * due to the fact that this method will be used for
 * deep-cloning an object. Instantiated objects will
 * just have their reference copied over, whereas
 * plain objects will need to be completely cloned.

var iframe = document.createElement("iframe");

var doc = iframe.contentDocument || iframe.contentWindow.document;;
doc.write("<body onload=';'>");

function iframeDone(otherObject){
    // Objects from other windows should be matched
    log("new otherObject", new otherObject, true);

function log(msg, a, b) {
  var pass = isObjectLiteral(a) === b ? "PASS" : "FAIL";

  document.getElementById("results").innerHTML +=
    "<li class='" + pass + "'>" + msg + "</li>";

Eli Grey
Great answer, and it is nice to have you on stackoverflow. Off topic, but thanks also for the e4x array methods.
Now that I've read your answer, I **think** I understand the question.
Whoa! what's the 3x equal sign about (===)?
@leeand00 It means "exactly equal to". For example: var x = {valueOf:function(){return 1}}; (x == 1) === true; (x === 1) === true;
Eli Grey
The second example was supposed to end with === false I meant.
Eli Grey

I just came across this question and thread during a sweet hackfest that involved a grail quest for evaluating whether an object was created with {} or new Object() (i still havent figured that out.)

Anyway, I was suprised to find the similarity between the isObjectLiteral() function posted here and my own isObjLiteral() function that I wrote for the Pollen.JS project. I believe this solution was posted prior to my Pollen.JS commit, so - hats off to you! The upside to mine is the length... less then half (when included your set up routine), but both produce the same results.

Take a look:

function isObjLiteral(_obj) {
  var _test  = _obj;
  return (  typeof _obj !== 'object' || _obj === null ?
              false :  
                (function () {
                  while (!false) {
                    if (  Object.getPrototypeOf( _test = Object.getPrototypeOf(_test)  ) === null) {
                  return Object.getPrototypeOf(_obj) === _test;

Additionally, some test stuff:

var _cases= {
    _objLit : {}, 
    _objNew : new Object(),
    _function : new Function(),
    _array : new Array(), 
    _string : new String(),
    _image : new Image(),
    _bool: true


for ( var _test in _cases ) {;
  console.dir( {
    type:    typeof _cases[_test], 
    string:  _cases[_test].toString(), 
    result:  isObjLiteral(_cases[_test])  

Or on

Be sure to open firebug when you get there - debugging to the document is for IE lovers.

@Rick, this solution seems more elegant.
@leeand00: It's about the same length as mine. I just included an implementation of Object.getPrototypeOf in mine too, which this one __doesn't__ include.
Eli Grey
Also, if you remove the `Object.getPrototypeOf.isNative` part, mine is only 6 SLOC.
Eli Grey