



A while ago I came across a Python library that formats regular text to HTML similar to Markdown, reStructuredText and Textile, just that it had no syntax at all. It detected indentatations, quotes, links and newlines/paragraphs only.

Unfortunately I lost the name of the library and was unable to Google it. Anyone any ideas?

Edit: reStructuredText aka rst == docutils. That's not what I'm looking for :)


Sphinx is a documentation generator using reStructuredText. It's quite nice, although I haven't used it personally.

The website Hazel Tree, which compiles python texts uses Sphinx, as well as the new Python documentation.

As the co-author of Sphinx I know that one ;) But it was a lot simpler. Not more than a simple 4KB library that just convers text into nicer looking HTML.
Armin Ronacher
+1  A: 
sean lynch
+5  A: 

Okay. I found it now. It's called PottyMouth.

Armin Ronacher
Now *that's* a name !