I'm after a cross-platform cross-browser way of uploading files such that there is no timeout. Uploads aren't necessarily huge -- some just take a long time to upload because of the uploader's slow connection -- but the server times out anyway.
I hear that there are methods to upload files in chunks so that somehow the server decides not to timeout the upload. After searching around all I can see is proprietary upload helpers and Java and Flash (SWFUpload) widgets that aren't cross-platform, don't upload in chunks, or aren't free.
I'd like a way to do it in any of these platforms (ASP, ASP.NET 2.0 or PHP5), though I am not very clued up on all this .NET class/controller/project/module/visual studio/compile/etc stuff, so some kind of runnable complete project that runs on .NET 2.0 would be helpful. PHP and ASP I can assume will be more straight-forward.
Unless I am completely missing something, which I suspect/hope I am, reasonable web uploads are bloody hard work in any language or platform.
So my question is: how can I perform web browser uploads, cross-platform, so that they don't timeout, using free software? Is it possible at all?