A best practice when designing a WCF service is to split up your project into seperate assemblies:
Assembly SomeProject.ServiceContract
This assembly contains your service contract (just the interfaces).
[ServiceContract (...)]
public interface ICan {
[ServiceOperation (...)]
void EatCandies (MyListOfCandies candies);
Assembly SomeProject.DataObjects
This assembly contains all your data objects which is used by your service contract.
public class MyListOfCandies : List<Candy> {
In your project, which is consuming your web service reference the assembly "SomeProject.DataObjects" and then add your web service. You'll see that Visual Studio will no longer generate any stub objects but will use your implementation.
You can do the same with the ServiceContract assembly. This way you still can use web services, but you will get compile errors when you change your interface.