Hey everybody,
I'm currently struggling with two problems about the java.util.logging.Logger:
1) I'd like to have a (convenience-)method like the "info()/fine()" methods, only that those methods should not insert a line break after the output (functionality like System.out.print and println). I've already overridden the format() method - would it be coorect to just add a "no-linebreak-flag" to the log record and analyze this in the format method or would this be too slow (because I'm using a real time application".
Which would be the correct way to achieve sthg like this?
2)Currently I have a factory class which creates the desired Logger (i differ between FileLogging and Console Logging) - but I cant really find out how its possible to tell the Logger in detail which packages/classes("modules") to log and which not. Or am I supposed to check a Debug flag in each class and then either create the Logger (debug==true) or not? Also I would like to do all the needed settings via the source code and not the Logging-Properties file if possible...
I have the slight feeling theres something about the Logger I havent quite understood yet^^
Thanks in advance!