I have some ODF files with math formulas and I need to render them...or else the boss will fire me (lol).
Please, is there any way to do this ? or they can only be rendered in OpenOffice ?
I have some ODF files with math formulas and I need to render them...or else the boss will fire me (lol).
Please, is there any way to do this ? or they can only be rendered in OpenOffice ?
Here is a crude way to do it http://labnol.blogspot.com/2005/12/convert-doc-xls-ppt-rtf-pdf-to-html.html
Hope its of some help.
Here is a Ruby ODF to html converter http://books.evc-cit.info/odf_utils/ruby_odt_to_xhtml_06_01_01.zip Source: http://fussnotes.typepad.com/plexnex/2006/01/eisenberg_odf_t.html
Open the File in OpenOffice.org (download at http://www.openoffice.org if needed) and use "Save As..." and select HTML as the output format. The Formulas will be rendered to images which are referenced in the resulting HTML.
There is currently no other solution that will render the formulas appropriately.