



Is anyone aware of general UI design guidelines for increasing ad revenue from web ads? Obviously many SO users use adblock, and probably find this type of question reprehensible, but I believe that it is possible to integrate advertising (and other revenue streams) into sites so that they are visually appealing, on-target, and functional. However, this is only a belief ;).

Given the widespread use of advertising as a means of income, this seems like it must be an active area of research.

I believe that any web design that is intended to generate income should take this into account, since the web designer (read: a sizable portion of the SO user base) should be trying to get the biggest return on their time/skills.

(This question is a repost because there is noway* on SO to contest a 'closed question', and it only takes one person with enough rep to decide they don't like it.)

Edit: Just incase anyone goes looking, I deleted the initial question (which was closed) since it didn't make sense to pollute the search results.

+4  A: 

In fact, one of the people who created this site made a post regarding this on his blog

ah, interesting! The (few) posts I've read on Jeff's blog have been more MS-centric than appeals to me (I just don't use those platforms) so I don't read coding horror frequently. This is a good place to have a link to that article!

You may be interested in seeing what Google has to say about the placement of ads.

Kevin Pang

i've always appreciated sites that let me disable ads too.
