I'm at a loss... here's my route:
routes.MapRoute("LangOnly", "{language}",
new { controller = "Home", action = "Root", language = "en" },
new { language = @"en|ja" });
it matches www.domain.com/en, but does not match www.domain.com/ja.
huh? I've even gone so far as to comment out any other routes... kind of stuck. ;/
Update: Here's the root action on the Home controller.
public ActionResult Root()
if (!IsEnglish)
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Biz", new { b = "" });
return Request.IsAuthenticated ? View("LoggedInRoot") : View("Root");
It doesn't take a language parameter because it's being set on the base controller in OnActionExecuting, like so:
var l = (RouteData.Values["language"] != null) ? RouteData.Values["language"].ToString() : string.Empty;
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(l))
l = "en";
if (l.Contains("en"))
IsEnglish = true;
l = "en";
IsEnglish = false;
l = "ja";
ViewData["lang"] = l.ToLower();
Language = l.ToLower();