This is a multi ColdFusion configured server with cf7 and cf8 and the jrun located in the main C:\ .
After editing the JVM.config and increasing the memory size to Xms1024m Xmx1024m and GC to XX:MaxPermSize=256m, and then restarting.
I am unable to get any of my sites to load in the browser. One gives me a 404 and the other gives me an ACL 403 (Access Denied). If I try browse the site with the 403 to a subdirectory (ex., I see the CFML code. If I do the same with the site giving me the 404, I get The request is not supported.
This server originally had CF7 and then CF8 was installed in Multiserver Config. I can get to the CF8 Admin on port 8300 but nothing on port 80 with IIS.
I returned the JVM.config file back to its default by taking the back up file and restoring to the directory, but that didn't work.