I'm trying to set up Review Board, which uses Django, on WinXP with Apache 2.2 and mod-python.
I have a default Python install, but I want to use a different instance. The default is c:/python25, but I want d:/xxx/python25. mod-python has a config option to change the path, but I don't want to have to recompile mod_python (as the code is in VCS and could be put anywhere). How can I fix this?
Currently I'm trying to change the environment path using SetEnv in the Apache conf file, e.g.
SetEnv PATH "d:/xxx/python25;PATH"
LoadModule python_module modules/mod_python.so
I.e. setting the environment variable before mod-python is loaded as this is where it finds the Python interpretter.
This doesn't seem to work. Is the syntax wrong? Is there another solution?