I'm knee deep in modifying some old logging code that i didn't write and wondering what you think of it. This is an event logger written in PHP with MySQL, that logs message like:
Sarah added a user, slick101
Mike deleted a user, slick101
Bob edited a service, Payment
Broken up like so:
Sarah [user_id] added a user [message], slick101 [reference_id, reference_table_name]
Into a table like this:
Please note that the "Bob" and "Payment" in the above example messages are Id's to other tables, not the actual names. A join is needed to get the names.
It looks like the "reference _ table _ name" is for finding the proper names in the correct table, since only the reference _ id is stored. This would probably be good if somehow i could join on a table name that stored in reference_table_name, like so:
select * from log l
join {{reference_table_name}} r on r.id = l.reference_id
I think I see where he was going with this table layout - how much better to have ids for statistics instead of a storing the entire message in a single column (which would require text parsing). Now I'm wondering..
Is there a better way or is it possible to do the make-believe join somehow?