
Where do you put program scope variables in UI driven application?

Ok, so I know that global variables are considered bad, and the singleton pattern is overused. And I have read in many places that a class should do only one task and contain only those variables that allow it to accomplish that one task. However, while working on my latest project, I actually thought about these rules before writing an...

How can I prevent my desktop application from breaking horribly when the user messes with its files at run-time?

Such as deleting the output file during run, directing two instances of the sw to the same IO etc ? ...

Any examples of DHT based business app?

I would be interested in creating distributed business systems without a central server. A Distributed Hash Table as used in p2p programs looks like the most promising storage solution. Are there already (open source) applications doing this? And if not, why not? [after first response] There doesn't seem to be much happening after 2005....

Web Pages That Just Do Too Much Stuff

Concerning pages that build a web application: Lately, I have found myself creating web pages that are simpler than the ones I used to. Before, I would try to jam as much functionality into a single page as I could to prevent from having lots of pages. I am starting to realize that this was just making things way more complex, convolut...

How to create a schema where there can be multiple user-defined attributes per customer?

I'm going to be working on an application that allows our client to define fields that will be shown to users in sort of a feedback/survey environment. For example, a pizzeria might have a field asking for your favorite topping, a bar might have your favorite brand of beer. The system needs to be able to handle letting our customers cr...

How to pass information from one WPF UserControl to another WPF UserControl?

I've got a WPF application. On the left side there is a stackpanel full of buttons. On the right side there is an empty dockpanel. When user clicks a button, it loads the corresponding UserControl (View) into the dockpanel: private void btnGeneralClick(object sender, System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs e) { PanelMainContent.Children.C...

What pronoun should your application use when addressing the user?

From a User Experience point-of-view, what is the best way for an application to address a user, e.g. a link to perform a task: Edit Your Profile Edit My Profile Edit Profile I usually avoid the third since it is often not clear e.g. which profile am I going to edit, MY profile or the default profile, etc. Usually I find my applicat...

What is the best "forgot my password" method?

I'm programming a community website. I want to build a "forgot my password" feature. Looking around at different sites, I've found they employ one of three options: send the user an email with a link to a unique, hidden URL that allows him to change his password (Gmail and Amazon) send the user an email with a new, randomly generated...

Are sequential numbers necessary?

Hi, I am working on a winform (.NET) application which includes Orders, Invoices, Service Orders, Ticketing etc. It it necessary for these enities to be sequential when numbering their IDs? IMO no. Take an order for instance, it can only be valid once it passes thorugh the business layer, during that proocess another order could've been...

Large application design (WPF/Silverlight)

Aside from the MVVM, as well as MVC patterns for the overall structure of a WPF app, how exactly do you break up the model/controller aspect of an app into subcomponents? The reason I ask is that I have no problem architecting the solution from the perspective of the patterns mentioned above, but when it comes to actually writing the ba...

Handle Unstable Internet Connection in Server-Client App

what technology can i use to manage unstable internet connection in a Server-Client App. i know mainly PHP (+Zend Framework), learning C# & ASP.NET MVC. i heard WCF/MSMQ is something that can help... but how ... is there something PHP (which i am more familiar) can do? but it is also good to know a .NET alternative if its better the bac...

What is the best way in MVVM to build a menu that displays various pages?

I want to build a simple application with the MVVM pattern. This application will have two main parts: menu on top content below The navigation will be simple: each menu item (e.g. "Manage Customers" or "View Reports") will fill the content area with a new page that has some particular functionality I have done this before with ...

Is it right for a ViewModel to inject itself into its child ViewModels?

I created a MVVM test application which at runtime reads an XML file to create a menu dynamically and based on what the user selects, loads in that page's UserControl dynamically. The result is a nice MVVM pattern that allows you to have one View/ViewModel pair per page all defined in an XML file. Very nice. So now I just added the abil...

Is there a better way to get old data?

Say you've got a database like this: books ----- id name And you wanted to get the total number of books in the database, easiest possible sql: "select count(id) from books" But now you want to get the total number of books last month... Edit: but some of the books have been deleted from the table since last month Well obv...

what is the best UX for non-programmer users? comma-separated tags or space-separated tags?

I'm creating a social site for teachers (non-programmers) on which teachers can add events, links, exercises, tips, lesson plans, books, etc. Each of these items I want them to be able to add tags to as we do at StackOverflow. However, because they are non-programming users, I thought that space-separated, nonspace tags and camelCase t...

A better logging design or some SQL magic?

I'm knee deep in modifying some old logging code that i didn't write and wondering what you think of it. This is an event logger written in PHP with MySQL, that logs message like: Sarah added a user, slick101 Mike deleted a user, slick101 Bob edited a service, Payment Broken up like so: Sarah [user_id] added a user [message], slick10...

Streamlining Database/Login Process with PHP/MySQL

Hello all, I'm currently working on a small webapp where I work. I've created this for different departments. So, for example, let's say that: Marketing, Human Resources, and Sales uses it. Right now, as it stands, I have 3 completely different directories for each dept: http://...

How should separated controllers access the model?

Given that I've got any number of controllers, how should they access the data saved in the model? In a database driven application it's quite easy as all data can be fetched from one single object. Should there be a namespace / singleton / global object which allows access to the data? Should the model be passed to all controllers whe...

iphone data migration and application design

Hi there, I'm working on an application that has a read-only database shipped with it. The user will run the application and be able to select a series of "favourites" from the database which will appear in there "favourites" tab bar section. I.e. storing the primary keys. With each update to the application the read only data will p...

Building a Black Net (Peer to Peer-like Network) with Participant Anonymity or Plausible Deniability

How would you programmatically design a "black net" where peer to peer-like data exchange (file transfer, chat etc) is possible but the anonymity of the seeder/sender(s) is either entirely hidden or at least all participants have 'plausible deniability', meaning their exact involvement and/or knowledge of transactions or activity on the ...