
Are sequential numbers necessary?

Hi, I am working on a winform (.NET) application which includes Orders, Invoices, Service Orders, Ticketing etc. It it necessary for these enities to be sequential when numbering their IDs? IMO no. Take an order for instance, it can only be valid once it passes thorugh the business layer, during that proocess another order could've been...

Wrong figures numbering - Package caption Error: Continued 'figure' after 'table'

Hello I am having a problem with the numbering of figures using Latex, I am getting this error message: Package caption Error: Continued 'figure' after 'table' This is my code: \begin{table} \centering \subfloat[Tabla1\label{tab:Tabla1}]{ \small \begin{tabular}{ | c | c | c | c | c |} \hline \multicolumn{5}{|c|}{\textbf{Tabla 1}} ...

T-SQL Re-Assigning Order Numbering

Say I have a table with a field called "ordernum" that denotes the order of a given set of rows. Now imagine that I delete one of these rows. What type of query would work best for re-assigning the order numbers so that they remain sequential? Here's an example: id group_id name ordernum active ----------------...

How to make a increasing numbers after filenames in C?

Hi, I have a little problem. I need to do some little operations on quite many files in one little program. So far I have decided to operate them in a single loop where I just change the number after the name. The files are all named TFxx.txt where xx is increasing number from 1 to 80. So how can I open them all in a single loop one aft...