
jQuery sortables

I'm using the sortable function in jquery to sequence a faq list. Needless to say, i'm new to this concept. Anybody have any good examples of the backend for this. I have the front working fine, but updating the sequence in the database is another story. My backend is ColdFusion btw. Thanks in advance ...

Preserving order with LINQ

Hi. I use linq To Objects instructions on an ordered array. Which operations shouldn't I do to be sure the order of the array is not changed? ...

Shutterfly Order API . .

I found this site http://www.shutterfly.com/documentation/api_OrderImage.sfly but there are no examples of actually walking through the whole process. Does anyone have any good documentation on using this API to take a local photo and allow someone to order a print via shutterfly? ...

Load HTML frames in a specific order without back button problems?

I have a web page that uses a frameset. Due to scripting and object dependencies, I need to load the frames in a specific order. I have used this example as a template: The JavaScript Source: Navigation: Frames Load Order This loads an empty page in place of the page I need to load last, then replaces it with the correct page after th...

Updating sort keys after delete

I have a table which has a field sort_id. In this field there are numbers from 1 to n, that define the order of the data sets. Now I want to delete some elements and afterwards I want to reorder the table. Therefore I need a query that "finds" the gaps and changes the sort_id field according to the modifications. Sure, I could do someth...

Firefox CSS: Given 2 divs, how can I float the *second* one to the right using static positioning?

I'm working on a Youtube userstyle script that displays comments side by side with the video so you can watch the video and read the comments at the same time (what a marvelous idea - duh). You can see in the screenshots how far I've got. That means I only care about Firefox, and that CSS3 goes. The problem I have is that I want to make...

Guaranteed Eclipse Plugin Startup Order

Anyone know of a way to guarantee plugin startup order? I have a plugin that I want to develop that will provide runtime configuration information to a 3rd-party plugin that I can't modify. So, I want to make sure my plugin always runs to completion before the 3rd-party. Anyone? Eclipse 3.3, BTW. ...

Does the order of fields in C# matter?

This question is inspired by Jon Skeet's answer: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/431091/is-there-a-c-equivalent-to-cs-access-modifier-regions#431105 He makes a comment that it is possible for the order of fields in a file to matter. I am guessing that this has to do with the order that the fields are initialized, but I think it's a d...

Let user sort records ?

Hello, i am trying to figure out a way to let the user sort records (etc a list of friends). I want to give the user the opportunity to move a record (friend) straight to the top or bottom of the list, or by entering a number (in between). First i thought of just adding a column called SortOrder (int) to the table with all the users f...

Does GetCustomAttributes() preserve the attribute order in .NET?

The title pretty much says it all. When I'm doing some reflection through my classes, will the MemberInfo.GetCustomAttributes() method preserve the order of attributes on a member, or not? The official documentation does not say anything one way or the other. In case you're wondering why I would need this, here's the full explanation....

Maintaining/updating record order in mysql

I have a table of records in mySql. I need to maintain an order for them as specified by the user. So I've added a 'position' column. What would be the SQL statement to update all the records when I move a specific record? I've got something like: UPDATE items SET position = '2' WHERE id ='4'; UPDATE items SET position = position+1 WHE...

Computing the statistical mode

Hi all, I'm currently trying to verify whether or not, given an unsorted array A of length N and an integer k, whether there exists some element that occurs n/k times or more. My thinking for this problem was to compute the mode and then compare this to n/k. However, I don't know how to compute this mode quickly. My final result needs t...

try-catch block in Java - execution statements in catch code

Hello, I have a question about the order of the execution of statements in a catch block in Java. when I run the following class Test1 (see below), I expect to have as output first Hi!, then the result of the e.printStackTrace(); statement, and then Bye!. However, I never get this order. Please, look at the outputs, which I have pasted ...

Do the items in an array or list maintain their order?

I am coding VB.NET in VS2008. I have a comma delimited string of numbers, i.e. 16,7,99,1456,1,3 I do this in VB: Dim MyArr() As String = MyString.Split(",") Will MyArr keep the items in the order they were in the string? If I do this: For Each S as String in MyString.Split(",") 'Do something with S 'Will my items be in the...

How do I store orders?

I have an app which has tasks in it and you can reorder them. Now I was woundering how to best store them. Should I have a colomn for the ordernumber and recalculate all of them everytime I change one? Please tell me a version which doesn't require me to update all order numbers since that is very time consuming (from the executions poin...

MySQL based web app: Easiest way for users to choose order or items?

I'm working on something where users can rearrange items, and at a later time, those items need to be displayed in the order chosen. As a simple example, consider a list of items: A, B, C, D, E, F, G. The MySQL table would be something simple: user_id, letter, sortnumber The user is allowed to change the order in incremental steps. ...

How to dynamically set an increasing value per row in MySQL

I am creating a web application that acts as a priority list, allowing a user to re-arrange a set of items in a list and storing that arrangement in a MySQL database via a PHP backend. At the moment, when the user has finished arranging their items and saves the configuration, I am calling a seperate UPDATE statement for every row, plug...

SQL Server SELECT/UPDATE Stored Procedure Weirdness

I have a table I'm using as a work queue. Essentially, it consists of a primary key, a piece of data, and a status flag (processed/unprocessed). I have multiple processes trying to grab the next unprocessed row, so I need to make sure that they observe proper lock and update semantics to avoid race condition nastiness. To that end, I'...

Does the order of declaration matter in Java/C# like it does in C++?

In C++ I can't use a method if I declare it after the calling method. Does this order matter in other languages like Java or C#? ...

Oracle DB simple SELECT where column order matters

I am doing a simple SELECT statement in an Oracle DB and need to select the columns in a somewhat-specific order. Example: Table A has 100 attributes, one of which is "chapter" that occurs somewhere in the order of columns in the table. I need to select the data with "chapter" first and the remaining columns after in no particular order...