
Self Updating

What's the best way to terminate a program and then run additional code from the program that's being terminated? For example, what would be the best way for a program to self update itself? ...

Autoupdating .net applications

I've written 2 reasonably large scale apps in .net so far, and both of them have needed an updating facility to automatically update the application when I roll out new code. I've found the 'Enterprise application block updater' a bit too complex for my needs, and I've found 'click once' frustrating when it comes to publishing. The mos...

Best way to update multi-gigabyte program (DVD fulfillment? Updater software?)

Two years ago, we shipped a multi-gigabyte Windows application, with lots of video files. Now we're looking to release a significant update, with approximately 1 gigabyte of new and changed data. We're currently looking at DVD fulfillment houses (like these folks, for example), which claim to be able to ship DVDs to our customers for $5...

Writing my own Auto Updater

When writing my own auto updater, is there a general framework that I should be following? A while ago I was reading up on how one should create a 'boot strapper' that will load first before the main application (since a running appilation can't be updated due to file locks etc.) So any tips/best practices for this? ...

I have a J2EE application that needs updating within a client's intranet

I have a J2EE application that runs fine and is accessible to the internet. Some of our prospective customers would like to use it, but are unwilling to send their data over the internet. As a workaround I've thought of providing them with the war file and letting them run it themselves. The problem is: how do I make it trivial for the...

Sharepoint: What happens to lists based on content type when content type is updated?

Hi all, I have kind of hypothetical question (at least for now :)) Let's say I create list based on some custom content-type. I add some 1000 items into that list (in production). Then customer comes and he say that he need to modify that custom content type. What happens to list if I modify custom content type? Will it be updated auto...

Updating Nulls

Hello, I am trying to generate a data layer template. When I do my Selects, Updates, and Inserts, the idea is to have the template work with all the columns because I don't know which one's contain values or not. The problem is that I may have an update statemtent like cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Field", this.Field); and if that value...

Maintaining/updating record order in mysql

I have a table of records in mySql. I need to maintain an order for them as specified by the user. So I've added a 'position' column. What would be the SQL statement to update all the records when I move a specific record? I've got something like: UPDATE items SET position = '2' WHERE id ='4'; UPDATE items SET position = position+1 WHE...

Tracking changes to a (functional) design document

Hi, I am looking for a good way to keep a design document up to date with the latest decisions. We are a small team (two developers, game designer, graphic designer, project manager, sales guy). Most of our projects last a couple of months. At the start of the project a design is made but we generally find ourselves making changes or ...

Application.Restart Not Working In ClickOnce Deployed Application

I pulled the code straight from MSDN: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms404263.aspx This updates my application, but Restart() does not work. The application shuts down, but does not restart. I added a MenuItem to my Form to validate that Restart() works at all: private void restartToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, Even...

Updating Nested Set

I was hoping someone could explain how one goes about updating a nested set. I've looked at http://dev.mysql.com/tech-resources/articles/hierarchical-data.html, but it really only deals with adding and deleting nodes. I need to be able to move nodes with and without child nodes. Any help would be appreciated. ...

Refresh WPF Command

Does anyone know how I can force CanExecute to get called on a custom command (Josh Smith's RelayCommand)? Typically, CanExecute is called whenever interaction occurs on the UI. If I click something, my commands are updated. I have a situation where the condition for CanExecute is getting turned on/off by a timer behind the scenes. Be...

Updating access error.

Dim conn As OleDbConnection Dim cmd As OleDbCommand Public Sub openDB() conn = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Application.StartupPath & "\VFMS_DB.mdb;" & "Jet OLEDB:System Database=Security.mdw;User ID=Adster;Password=300624;") conn.Open() End Sub Public Functio...

Updating time in iphone sdk

Hi, I'm using the code provided below to display time and date. can anyone help me with atuomatically changing the time by seconds and the date by the day? NSDateFormatter *dateFormat = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; [dateFormat setDateFormat:@"yyyy-MM-dd"]; NSDateFormatter *timeFormat = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; [timeFormat set...

VB.Net 3.5 Check if file is in use

I have an update program that is completely independent of my main application. I run the update.exe to update the app.exe. To check to see if the file is in use, I move it to another file and catch an error if it is in use. If no problems occurr I rename it back. At least that was my plan... Main program: app.exe Update program: ...

(Rails) How do you replace the text of a "link_to_remote" without breaking the link?

Hi All, Is there a quality way to update the text inside a "link_to_remote" and leave the link functional? Basically I have two links: <%= link_to_remote "(#{building.charts.size} Charts)",{:url => {:action => "update_chart_matrix", :chartable_type => "building",:chartable_id => building.id, :title => building.name}, :update => 'ch...

jQuery - Div isn't updating.

Hey, sorry to be such a nuisance, but I have another jQuery problem. Same code. $('.tab').click(function() { $(this).unbind("click"); var classy = $(this).attr("class").split(" ").splice(-1); var ihtml = $('.content.'+classy).text(); $('#holder').html(ihtml).slideDown("slow"); $('.tab:not(.activ...

Upgrading my Wordpress installation...click and pray?

I never know what to do when my Wordpress installation tells me there's an update available. I am using version 2.8 so whenever there is an update, all I have to do is click update, some magic happens behind the scenes, and it gets updated. But should I create backup files? And how? I have custom themes and plugins that I don't want to g...

why the charting dialog(using plot pack in iocomp) updating is not correct?

I develop a MFC dialog-based application in VC++6.0 which communicate with remote machines through UART port, data received should be displayed in charting control(plot pack). Because the amount of remote machines is determined at running time by user, so I create charting dialog dynamically with user setted amount of remote machines. ...

Two SqlCommand Objects and Updating One Source Table

I have two update sql statements for two SqlCommand object to update one DataTable with DataSet object to One Source Table. When I click on update button that's update only the first one and the second SqlCommand Object doesn't work. What's it? DataTable didn't support two Command object at one time? I write as follow: Dim conxMain As N...