
Is there an API or tool that can automate software updating?

Is there any API or tool that can automate software updating? It should take care of checking for updates from a URL for a provided list of files and downloading and replacing the ones that need updating. It would also be nice if it contained an authentication module so that only authorized parties could access the updates. It should be ...

Moss problem: Your change conflict with those made concurrently by ...

I want to update some lookup field of a list when some feature is activated. To deal with this I made a SPFeatureReceiver for the feature. I debug my code and every thing was perfect until I do this: sourceField.SchemaXml = sourceField.SchemaXml.Replace("List=\"\"", string.Format("List=\"{0}\"", targetGuid)); I dont understan...

Java Swing Updating JList

Hello again. I'd like to know if there is any way that I can update a Jlist after the user adds or removes an item to it and after a user sorts it. Is there any way that I can write a standardized method to update the display based on the order of items in an array or vector, and when the user remove or adds an object from the array tha...

Getting column names from oldValues IOrderedDictionary

Hi, I understand that the oldValues property of FormViewUpdatedEventArgs contains field name/value pairs for an update. I can certainly access the values using for example e.OldValues(x) - because the default member has been declared in the system.. but how can I pull out the column/field name in this case? I've tried casting oldValu...

Doing an atomic update of the first instance in a QuerySet

I'm working on a system which has to handle a number of race-conditions when serving jobs to a number of worker-machines. The clients would query the system for jobs with status='0' (ToDo), then, in an atomic way, update the 'oldest' row with status='1' (Locked) and retrieve the id for that row (for updating the job with worker informat...

Re: PoEAA Book, by Fowler: p.283 (Single Table Inheritance Example - Updating an Object)- How does the row[] array get into the db?

This question is about a specific example (in the book called Patterns Of Enterprise Application Architecture, by Martin Fowler) on page 283 - (Single Table Inheritance Example - Updating an Object) I can see Mapper::Update() method invoking CricketerMapper::Save() method, which First, invokes AbstractPlayerMapper::Save() to assign ro...

unable to update sqlite3 on mac osx?

hello all, i want to install newest sqlite3 on my mac osx. i am trying this from last 6 hours but still not succeed.Here are the steps i have followed.I have tried this site mkdir ~/src cd ~/src curl http://www.sqlite.org/sqlite-3.6.18.tar.gz | tar zx cd sqlite-3.6.18 autoconf ./configure --prefix=/usr/local make sudo make install //ch...

OleDbExeption Was unhandled in VB.Net

Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression '((ProductID = ?) AND ((? = 1 AND Product Name IS NULL) OR (Product Name = ?)) AND ((? = 1 AND Price IS NULL) OR (Price = ?)) AND ((? = 1 AND Quantity IS NULL) OR (Quantity = ?)))'. I need some help sorting this error out in Visual Basics.Net 2008. I am trying to update records in ...

How to test an iPhone application update?

I already have an iPhone application (version 1.0) available in the App Store and am ready to submit a newer version (version 1.1). How do I test the new upgrade to make sure that the current sqlite database and property list files on the earlier version do not get deleted/overwritten etc? The new version assumes the old data in both t...

Append to a webpage in javascript

What I want to do is that: a webpage with continuously updating content. (In my case is updating every 2s) New content is appended to the old one instead of overwriting. Here is the code I have: var msg_list = new Array( "<message>Hello, Clare</message>", "<message>Hello,Lily</message>", "<message>Hello, Kevin</message>", "<mes...

Cocoa NSWindow not updating with data

I have an NSWindow that shows up when you click either of two items (both from an NSTableView). I have a setter method that tells the window what information to display. This all works perfectly, until it comes time to display the data in the window. If I cause the window to display from one tableview, then try to have it display the ...

How do I change the name of a variable in a word document?

Dear reader, My application allows the user to insert information into a document (using document properties and variables). Part of this is also that they should be able to adjust the values they have previously entered. Changing the Name and Value of a document property is no problem, but apparently the variable Name has a get propert...

LINQ to SQL not updating database records in MVC 2 application

Hello :) Using MVC 2 I have been trying to make this record store project. Creating records work but updating them doesn't. No exceptions are thrown either. I examined getchangeset() right before submitchanges() it shows all zeros. Thanks for your reading and you help :) The Edit view: <% using (Html.BeginForm("Edit", "Song")) { %> ...

Text Progress Bar in the Console

Is there a good way to do the following? I wrote a simple console app to upload and download files from an FTP server using the ftplib. Each time some data chunks are downloaded, I want to update a text progress bar, even if it's just a number. But I don't want to erase all the text that's been printed to the console. (Doing a "clear"...

Rails - how do I confirm the version of a plugin.

I noticed that a rails plug-in I am using has had several fixes made to it, and im a little worried about all the other rails apps i have written. Ideally I would like to have a script that can compare the checked out version of the plug-in against the repo version. Does anyone know if rails stores this info anywhere or if there is a p...

Simply sqlalchemy filter not working

Select all works like this: q = session.query(products) Now I want to add a WHERE filter, so I am trying: q = session.query(products).filter_by(stock_count=0) I get an error saying 'nonetype' object has no attribute 'class_manager'. Not sure what the issue is? Update The column seems to be mapped fine, as when I do: q = session....

How can I update data in iPhone app

Hi, I create an app, with data store in plist. Now what are the wAys I cAn update the data? Maybe if I create a webpage and retrieve my dAta from it instead of storing in plist? Or is there a way I can update my data when I plug into iTunes? Or any other suggestion? WhAt I want to achieve is a way of updating my data once user have downl...

C#: Real-time combobox updating

Edit: Alright, just one more thing: "It will only update the first character I change. So if I use backspace anywhere, it updates, and then I have to restart before it will update again. Also, it will go to the far left of the combobox line, which can be pretty annoying.. If anyone knows how to fix that too, I'd be really gratefull." I ...

AdMob Android requesting ads while program is not in view

Hello I am having a problem trying to stop adMob from requesting new ads. If a person hits the back key or home the application goes to sleep, but admob continues to request new ads. The only way it stops is if the user selects quit from the menu. Does anyone know of a way that in my onPause method I could do something such as ad.pause...

After updating a model, the values don't reflect on the View

Hi All, I used Visual Web Developer 2010 and ASP .NET with MVC2 to create a simple Customer Management module, where the view will allow entering first name, last name, address, etc., and upon submitting, a new "ID" will be assigned to the CustomerID property of the CustomerModel instance. The Controller method (CustomerController) for...