
What's the best way to deal with cache and the browser back button?

What's the best way to handle a user going back to a page that had cached items in an app? Is there a good way to capture the back button (event?) and handle the cache that way? ...

Prevent Use of the Back Button (in IE)

So the SMEs at my current place of employment want to try and disable the back button for certain pages. We have a page where the user makes some selections and submits them to be processed. In some instances they have to enter a comment on another page. What the users have figured out is that they don't have to enter a comment if t...

Is there a way to keep a page from rendering once a person has logged out but hit the "back" button?

I have some website which requires a logon and shows sensitive information. The person goes to the page, is prompted to log in, then gets to see the information. The person logs out of the site, and is redirected back to the login page. The person then can hit "back" and go right back to the page where the sensitive information is con...

Disabling Back button on the browser

I am writing an application that if the user hits back, it may resend the same information and mess up the flow and integrity of data. How do I disable it for users who are with and without javascript on? ...

Unexpected behavior of window.onback in JavaScript?

I'm using window.onback = history.forward(); to prevent users from resubmitting data. I know it's a hack and I don't like it either, but that's not what this question is about. The problem is that the code prevents other pages from going back to the page with the code. Let me clarify. PageA.aspx has the JavaScript code in it. The user s...

How can web form content be preserved for the back button

When a web form is submitted and takes the user to another page, it is quite often the case that the user will click the Back button in order to submit the form again (the form is an advanced search in my case.) How can I reliably preserve the form options selected by the user when they click Back (so they don't have to start from scrat...

Browser back button restores empty fields

I have a web page x.php (in a password protected area of my web site) which has a form and a button which uses the POST method to send the form data and opens x.php#abc. This works pretty well. However, if the users decides to navigate back in Internet Explorer 7, all the fields in the original x.php get cleared and everything must be t...

Is there a way to fire arbitrary Javascript when going back or forward on a page?

Specifically, I'm looking to mimic back button behavior with AJAX, and I don't want to attach #uglyhashes to every URL, which seems to be the standard practice of most solutions I've seen. (For what it's worth, I'm perfectly fine with a solution that does not work at all in IE. :P ) ...

Load HTML frames in a specific order without back button problems?

I have a web page that uses a frameset. Due to scripting and object dependencies, I need to load the frames in a specific order. I have used this example as a template: The JavaScript Source: Navigation: Frames Load Order This loads an empty page in place of the page I need to load last, then replaces it with the correct page after th...

How to find whether the user clicks browser back button or Refresh button

I need to find whether the user clicking the browser back button or Refresh button. I need to redirect the page to Error page when he clicks the back or refresh button. How to do this. I need to do this in javscript for my page ...

Warning: Page Has Expired

I've added the following code to my masterpage (Page_Load) so once a user logs out they will not be able to use the back button to see the page they were previously at. Response.Buffer = true; Response.ExpiresAbsolute = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1); Response.Expires = -1; Response.CacheControl = "no-cache"; The problem is, my users wa...

IE6's back button and repost

My website is an website, fully validates and works in all browsers (except obviously in IE6 for this matter). I can reproduce the error by doing the following: Make a POST request with some parameters From the results click one of the generated GET links Pressing the "BACK" button from the resulted page. Sometime...

Best Way For Back Button To Leave Form Data

I'm creating a web page based on user input from a form. After the user sees the generated page I want to allow them to press the back button and make changes to the form. I would like to display the form as they had filled it out previously. What is the best way to get this behavior (with cross browser support)? ...

Back / Forward buttons and usability

The Back and Forward buttons in a browser or browser-like application navigate temporally (sequence in which user navigated pages), which may not necessarily reflect the logical order of the pages. Are there any studies that looked at how this impacts the user's mental model? Any thoughts on how to improve usability and reduce confusion?...

Can I update window.location.hash without having the web page scroll?

Using JavaScript, is there a way to update window.location.hash without scrolling the web page? I have clickable title elements that toggle the visibility of a div directly beneath them. I want the /foo#bar in the history when clicking titles but don't want the page scrolling about. So when navigating away from /foo#bar I'll be able to ...

back commandbutton in jsf

how would one implement a back-button as a commandbutton that works universally? with back button i don't mean the browser-button, but rather a button that sits somewhere on the page. it is not always possible to use the Post-redirect-get pattern. its quite impractial to pass around the information on every single where the button shoul...

How do I insert an entry into browsing history via JavaScript

How do I insert an entry into browsing history so back button goes to different page 1st click then original page on 2nd click? So if you need a good explanation of what I want done, go to: I just need a script that will allow me to insert an entry in the browsing history so when back butt...

How do I detect if a user has got to a page using the back button?

This question is similar to, but not the same... I have a solution and am posting it here for reference and feedback. If anyone has any better options, I'm all ears! The situation is that I have a page with an "in place edit", a la flickr. I.e. t...

How to control over browser back button

Hi All, I want a confirmation window on click of a browser back button. If I press yes then the previous page will get load ortherwise I will remain in the same page? Any suggestion is highly appreciated.. But please be on track.. my question is straight forward thx in advance.. ...

ASP.NET MVC, jquery ajax, real simple history

I'm working on a mvc application that uses jquery to implement dynamically loading page content using jquery.load and/or jquery.ajax. But when the user uses the back button in these kind of applications, the result for the user is often unexpected. I've seen articles like RSH from google that claim to solve this problem, but I'm not sure...