
How to revert to content of a Dijit text box when browser back-button is clicked?

Hello, I am using a Dojo Textarea Dijit to input and submit text (to be processed). I found that after submiting, if a browser back-button is pressed (IE8, Firefox) unlike regular HTML Textarea, I return to the input screen, but the Textarea is EMPTY. What I would like to happen is that after back-button is pressed, I would return to ...

Implementing Back button functionality in

Hi friends, i need to implement a back button for my website.I am able to use the javascript method to acheive my requirement.But using this method sometimes I need to click on the back button multiple number times to go back to the previous page.It may be because we are using jquery tabs in our website.To focus on a particular ...

IE doesn't find hidden-field values created with JS

Hi, I have a page with a few hidden fields in it. Those get filled with values by a script (JS/jQuery) when the user has finished selecting a couple of options. Now, if I click a link on that page, go to the linked page and then hit the back-button, FF and Safari are able to read out the values of the hidden fields. So the function to ...

Form submit button remains disabled when using Back button in Firefox

I'm using some jquery to disable a form submit button after it's been clicked to prevent accidental repeated clicking. This works fine in all browsers except Firefox. In Firefox if the user uses the browser Back button to go back to a page after the submit button disabling has occurred, the submit button is still disabled. Is there an...

Firefox (3.6) Selectbox State and Browser Back Button

I have a page that has a selectbox that changes the window.location using hashes to modify the hash state when an option is selected. This allows a user to click forward and back to navigate the different select options. All works well until you click a link to navigate away from the page and then click the browser's back button to attem...

Disable navigationitem backbarbutton

How do I disable the backbutton in a navigationcontroller? When I hide the button like so, self.navigationItem.hidesBackButton = TRUE; the buttonarea is still tappable. ...

Use two TabBarController

Hi, I want to use two different TabBarController. Everything is declared in my AppDelegate. Here is the result : TBC1Tab1 | TBC1Tab2 | TBC1Tab3 and then when I push a button my new TabBarController : TBC2Tab1 | TBC2Tab2 Each Tab is linked to a view. I use a button on my first tab to go to my second TabBarController with my new tabs. My...

android pressing back button should exit the app

on intent when user press back button should exit from the application, how can i track back button and exit from the app ? ...

iPhone how to get the title for a custom Back-Button

Heyho, I'm building a custom green back button which is being created in the "viewDidAppear:" method. I don't have any problems with the "getting-it-into-the-Navigationbar" or with "popping-the-current-View", but my Problem is: How do I get the title of the previous controller, so I can set it as Lable for the custom Back Button? And i...

How to change back button from text to image in UINavigationBar

UIBarButtonItem *backButton = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithImage:@"rGoBack" style:UIBarButtonItemStylePlain target:nil action:nil]; self.navigationItem.backBarButtonItem = backButton; [backButton release]; I use this source. but It...

onbeforeunload dilemma: iframe breaking vs. annoying message on refresh/back buttons click

I'm implementing a search service called SearchInsideOut. This search service simply replaces web page results by full web pages (Yes, I used iframe). The problem I have to deal with is iframe-breaking pages. The promising solution I found is using onbeforeunload to let users decide whether to stay or leave my site....

JSF Back Button

Hi, How do I make a link which navigates the user back one page (i.e. same as clicking browser back)? Thanks. ...

JQuery Ajax Load Mobile Browser Back Functionality

Currently working on a mobile site using the .load() technique: $.ajaxSetup ({cache: false}); contentLoad(); function contentLoad() { $('a.inline').click(function(){ var toLoad = $(this).attr('href')+' #content'; $('#loading').show(); $('#content').load(toLoad,'',showNewConte...

How to prevent displaying modalpopup on click of browser back button

Hi, I have an application made by using,C#.In that application there is a page having gridview displaying results.The grid view has a template column containing hyperlink. On click of the hyperlink there is modal popup opened using code behind. The modal popup is closed successfully by closing it.Now I redirect to some other pag...

php get, random records, and the back button

My site has a library full of games, nations, game scenarios, etc. library.php is given a type=___ & id=___ for example library.php?type=scenario&id=ABCD001 library.php saves the id to a session variable and loads an include appropriate for the type This all works just dandy. Now, I wanted to give my users the option of pulling up a...

Detect if the user has used the back button

My webpage runs a javascript function when the page is loaded. However, I don't want the function to run if the user comes back to this page using the back button. How can I prevent this using javascript? $(document).ready(function(){ // Do not run this function if the user has arrived here using the back button RefreshThePage(); ...

Dynamic web user control problem when browser's back button is clicked.

Hi all, I have an .aspx page in which I dynamically add web controls to a panel. The problem is when I hit the browser's back buton, it's displayed a version of the page that no longer exists on the server-side, because the controls are dynamically added. Let's say my aspx dynamically adds Control1. From there, I click a button that loa...

How to handle feedback from background threads if the user uses the back button?

I have the following problem: I have an Activity where a user can start a web search showing a new activity to show a progress bar until the results are shown. Now the user can either wait for the results or maybe think about the search parameters, hit the back button and triggering a new search. The search is running in an Async Task ...

How to handle form submission ASP.NET MVC Back button?

Hi guys, i have a form which allows the user to key in the data and then submit. if everything works well on this action result, then i will redirect the user back to a thank you page. my problem right now is that when the user click on the back button, they will be able to go back to the form page and the inputs will still be there. a...

Preventing iframe caching in browser

How do you prevent Firefox and Safari from caching iframe content? I have a simple webpage with an iframe to a page on a different site. Both the outer page and the inner page have HTTP response headers to prevent caching. When I click the "back" button in the browser, the outer page works properly, but no matter what, the browser alway...