I have an XHR inside of a form on my webpage that returns a Lightbox with another form in it. In Safari/Webkit, everything works great, and the form submits as expected. However, on Firefox 3/3.5, using Firebug to look at the source, it appears that the tags have been stripped out of the XHR. I KNOW that my app is generating the form tags, because they show up in the response to the XHR that Firebug shows. Looking at the source, they don't appear to be nested, so I don't think thats the problem.
This is really puzzling me, because I can't figure out why Safari/Webkit would work fine with it, never throwing any kind of error or complaints about unclosed tags etc, and Firefox just silently strips the form tags out without saying a word.
The code that opens the lightbox is this:
<a onclick="new Ajax.Updater('hidden_content_orders28ivrsnew', '/orders/28/ivrs/new', {asynchronous:true, evalScripts:true, method:'get', onComplete:function(request){Lightbox.showBoxByID('hidden_content_orders28ivrsnew'); }, onLoading:function(request){}, parameters:'option_id=ivr_action_1&iterator=ivr[ivr_actions_attributes][0][routable_type]' + '&authenticity_token=' + encodeURIComponent('42QwtGrP8K+NG7Ai9G+//gu+O6sX9LtHIPnyG1IdMEw=')}); return false;" href="#">Create new</a>
You can see the HTML that is returned from the server here.