I've been trying to get a simple OpenId log-in working using first php-openId (Jain) and then the ZendFramework, and in both cases I run up against a similar problem. I'm using the example Zend code from step 38.2.2 of http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.openid.consumer.html.
I see the log-in page fine, but when I enter my openId, this code executes: if (isset($_POST['openid_action']) && $_POST['openid_action'] == "login" && !empty($_POST['openid_identifier'])) {
echo "New consumer";
$consumer = new Zend_OpenId_Consumer();
echo "Gotim";
if (!$consumer->login($_POST['openid_identifier'])) {
$status = "OpenID login failed.";
echo "Failure";
echo "Continuing";
The code seemingly hangs on the function call to $consumer->login. I see the output from my first two echos, but I never see either Failure or Continuing (and without the echos I just get a 500 Server Internal Error when I try to log-in). If I enter an invalid openId then I get the correct "OpenID login failed." error message.
I apologize if I'm being a moron here. I'm a former programmer who got promoted to management, and I'm trying to get back into it - but I'm using a bunch of technologies that are new to me (PHP, OpenID, Zend Framework), and this just isn't making any sense right now.
Does anyone have any ideas where to look? I can't believe that the Framework itself is bugged (especially not when I had a similar problem with the Jain openId stuff also). I'm using fatcow.com for web hosting - not sure if that's relevant.