Whats the best design pattern to use for LINQ and type tables that exist in SQL.
I have tables in SQL that constrain values to type values, and I want to be able to use this in my C# code as strongly typed values.
My current approach for a 'PackageStatus' type is as follows:
SQL Table
PackageStatusType (int)
desc (varchar)
C# Class - using LINQ
public class PackageStatusType
static PackageStatusType()
var lookup = (from p in DataProvider.ShipperDB.PackageStatus
select p).ToDictionary(p => p.Desc);
Unknown = lookup["Unknown"];
LabelGenerated = lookup["Label generated"];
ReadyForCollection = lookup["Ready for pickup"];
PickedUp = lookup["Picked up"];
InTransit = lookup["In Transit"];
DeliveryAttempted = lookup["Delivery attempted"];
DeliveredByHand = lookup["By hand"];
DeliveryFailed = lookup["Delivery failed"];
Delivered = lookup["Delivered"];
Voided = lookup["Voided"];
public static ShipperDB.Model.PackageStatus Unknown;
public static ShipperDB.Model.PackageStatus LabelGenerated;
public static ShipperDB.Model.PackageStatus ReadyForCollection;
public static ShipperDB.Model.PackageStatus PickedUp;
public static ShipperDB.Model.PackageStatus InTransit;
public static ShipperDB.Model.PackageStatus DeliveryAttempted;
public static ShipperDB.Model.PackageStatus DeliveryFailed;
public static ShipperDB.Model.PackageStatus Delivered;
public static ShipperDB.Model.PackageStatus DeliveredByHand;
public static ShipperDB.Model.PackageStatus Voided;
I then can put PackageStatusType.Delivered
in my C# code and it will correctly reference the right LINQ entity.
This works fine, but makes me wonder:
a) how can i make this more efficient b) why doesn't Microsoft seem to provide anything to create strongly typed type tables c) is my database design even a good one? d) what is everyone else doing!