




Dear Friends,

I am executing some sqlite query in the Android emulator. I want to know which path that database files are storing. Pls give me some idea how to find it. If u can provide me some code snippet.

urs, s.kumaran.

+3  A: 

The databases are usually stored in


and you can use the adb shell to cd to that directory and open the db with sqlite3.

Hi josef, thanks for ur response i can see that database in the location what you said and used terminal emulator to see that file, but i wish to copy that file from emulator to my system desktop.Can you please tell me how to do that.I don't have any idea about that can pls guide me step by step how to proceed.regards,s.kumaran
You can use the `adb pull` command to copy files from your emulator or phone. http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/tools/adb.html#copyfiles

Hi there

I am trying to copy a 'free version' database into the 'paid version' directory using File.renameTo(). It seems to copy the file, but the full version app doesn't recognise that there is a database, nor does it run the onCreate for the database...

Any ideas how to do this?
